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Keyword: trade

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Daily News Analysis

President Erdogan's visit to boost trade, cultural and political ties with Pakistan

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Akhirah 21, 14412020-02-15

There is great potential to boost Pakistan-Turkey trade. The two-day visit of Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan to Pakistan will help boost trade and other relations. Islamic Iran, too, must be brought into the equation.

News & Analysis

US-China Trade War: Long-term Geostrategic Clash

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 02, 14412019-09-01

The US-China trade war is part of a struggle for dominance that involves international institutions and alliances, but whose ultimate arbiter is raw military power.

Special Reports

Mali and the West’s new scramble for Africa

Zainab Cheema

Rabi' al-Thani 19, 14342013-03-01

Mali is being targeted as much for its mineral wealth as to keep China from developing close links with Africa. The struggle for influence between the west and China is being fought on the backs of the African people.


Mass protests fail to prevent Western powers from exploiting poor countries at WTO

Usman Khan

Dhu al-Hijjah 01, 14262006-01-01

The latest round of trade negotiations held by the World Trade Organization (WTO) was characterised by all the features that have become familiar parts of such high-profile gatherings.The trade ministers of the 150 member-states, and 6,000 other delegates, spent six days in intensive negotiations at a major international conference venue, barricaded by hundreds of police and security personnel to protect the WTO and the Western powers that run it from the wrath of ordinary people from all over the world who recognise the talking shop for what it really is: a way of forcing the world’s poorest countries to accept and legitimise a trade regime designed to protect and further the interests of the economic elites of the world’s richest countries.

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