Every act of the zionist regime is illegal, starting with its occupation of the Palestinians' land. It compounds its crimes by arresting, imprisoning in Israeli jails and then abusing and torturing Palestinians including children. There are at least 250 Palestinian children in Israeli prisons suffering abuse and torture.
The US and Saudi-backed regime in Bahrain continues to torture not only adults but also children. There is ample evidence about its horrible behaviour although it would be difficult to find much discussion of this in the Western media.
The takfiris are exposing their demonic ideology of hate and killings in Syria. Egged on by the court ulama of Saudi Arabia, they recently beheaded three Christians including a priest in the western city of Homs. The video makes gruesome viewing and would send shudder down the spine of any human being. 15-year-old Mohammad Qataa (left) was shot in the face and killed on June 9 after an argument with a takfiri terrorist.
When Jews from all corners of the world travel to Palestine to join the Zionist occupational army, Western corporate media never refers to them as foreign fighters.
Why is it that so many tears have been shed for the children killed in Newtown, Connecticut while US President Obama routinely orders the killing of innocent children and women in other parts of the world without a thought spared for their plight?
I was horrified to read the story of Tori Stafford, the 8-year-old subjected to such brutality.
(Warning: Disturbing Content) The heart-wrenching story of an eight-year-old girl who was abducted outside her school on 4-8-2009, raped and then brutally murdered occupied much media attention last month. The story of Victoria (Tori) Stafford would send shudders down the spine of every human being, especially parents, and make them wonder what kind of beasts would do such terrible things to an innocent child.
The government and media in the United States have led a shrill campaign against Saddam Husain for seven years obfuscating truth about the suffering inflicted on the Iraqi people as a result of sanctions.