The Conservative Party of Canada, made up of racists and bigots, is firing up its equally racist base over the apology and compensation offered to Omar Khadr for the torture and illegal imprisonment he suffered for a decade at the hands of the Americans at Guantanamo Bay.
Western rulers constantly harp about the threat from jihadists but Muslims are the real victims of terrorism at the hands of white supramists that have mushroomed all across Canada.
The breath of fresh air that has swept the stale corridors of power in Canada. Justin Trudeau has not only surprised many with his election victory but has taken steps that are bold and imaginative. As he announced the day after his stunning election victory, "We're back!" Welcome the new, more compassionate Canada that had virtually been consigned to oblivion by the hate-filled policies of Stephen Harper.
Canadians in overwhelming numbers rejected the hateful and Islamophobic policies of Stephen Harper, leader of the Conservative Party, in the October 19 federal election. He was booted out of office in one of the most divisive campaigns that he and his gang of racists and bigots led in Canadian history.
Canada has just lived through a fairytale decade, complete with evil jinn and youthful hero. Think of “Jack and the Beanstalk,” starring youthful naif, Justin Trudeau, and the giant raining evil down on Canadaland from the clouds, Stephen Harper.
Justin Trudeau, Canada's Prime Minister-elect, has made a number of very encouraging promises. Will he be able to deliver on them is the big question. He has a lot going for him but whether he will be able to break the stanglehold of powerful lobby groups has yet to be tested. He is off to a good start with a clear majority in parliament. And the Muslim community had a lot to do with his resounding victory.
Is Canada a racist society? Stephen Harper has tried level best to present his largely white supporters, made of up rednecks, as "Old Stock Canadians" in an attempt to appeal to their base instincts and dismiss other Canadians. By end of tomorrow, people will find out which vision of Canada will win: that of the racists and bigots or of decent people that have over the years welcomed newcomers in their midst...
Omar Khadr has finally won freedom, thanks to the dogged determination of his lawyers Dennis Edney and Nate Whittling. It wasn’t easy; the Harper regime fought them tooth and nail but the courts finally sided with Omar Khadr.
For more than a century, Aboriginal children were subjected to horrific torture, sexual abuse and other forms of degrading treatment in a deliberate policy of assimilation. An official report has just confirmed this but the Harper regime is refusing to commit to the 94 recommendations made in the report headed by Justice Murray Sinclair. What hope can there be for reconciliation?
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has rejected appeals from doctors and politicians to allow Palestinian children wounded in Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza, to get treatment in Canada. Harper is a staunch ally of Israel.
Stephen Harper’s government has become so pro-zionist that even the hardcore zionists are embarrassed. What is behind such craven attitude?
Even circumspect Canadian journalists have been forced to speak out against the award given Harper’s record of shutting human rights organizations and riding rough shod over democratic norms. Bob Hepburn of the Toronto Star wrote on the editorial page: “Stephen Harper’s democracy award a sad joke on Canadians.”