The divine Word of Allah—the noble Qur’an—must not only be read but understood in order to implement its message in our lives. For this reason, a new distinctive translation of the noble Qur’an has been prepared so that Muslims can begin to engage it in a more meaningful way.
This Ramadan is likely to be very different from the Muslims’ past experiences. Since the revelation of the noble Qur’an is intimately linked with Ramadan, Muslims should utilize this opportunity to understand the Divine message to implement it in their lives.
There is a symbiotic relationship between Ramadan, taqwa and the noble Qur’an. Muslims need to engage the noble Qur’an more fully in the month of Ramadan to understand this better.
It was in the month of Ramadan that the first few ayat of the majestic Qur’an were revealed to the noble Messenger (saws). Muslims must engage the divine Book in earnest. The Ascendant Qur’an by Imam Muhammad al Asi enables them to do so.
يقرأ اﻵلاف حول العالم تاريخهم، أو بعضه على الأقل؛ يوميًا. لكنَّها قراءة ميّتة لا حياة فيها، برغم هالة القداسة التي قد تُضفى على هذا التاريخ، وعلى شخوصه. إنها قراءة ميّتة لأنها لا تتلمس حقيقة العبرة من التجربة الإنسانية، فهي إما تُضفى على المسار التاريخي قداسة تسعى للذوبان فيها هربًا من الواقع، أو تلعن دنسه وتكرِّس القطيعة معه تاركة فجوة عميقة في الوعي والهويّة. فجوة عميقة لا يُمكن تجسيرها بغير صدق إخلاص الوجه وتمام الصدق مع النفس.
Ramadan must mean more than merely abstaining from food and drinks for a specified number of hours even if this would be arduous in the summer months. Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an and Muslims must engage the noble Book for true guidance.
Muslims must use their proximity to the Qur’an and the Sunnah/Sirah of the noble Messenger (saws) as a standard to determine their standing in the world.
The manner in which Hajj has been emptied out of its Qur’anic basis and turned into mere ritual by the Saudis poses a major challenge to the Ummah. Getting rid of the Saudi occupiers of the Haramayn is the most pressing problem facing the Islamic movement.
Hizbullah has adopted a principled, Qur’anic position vis-à-vis Syria, notwithstanding the insulting allegations hurled against it by Saudi and Zionist agents.
There are two aspects to every act of ‘ibadah in Islam: its physical (ritualistic) form, and its higher spiritual, communal, social, and moral purpose. The salah, for instance, is performed in a certain way but its true import lies in the fact that it is our direct link (sila) with Allah (swt).
There is a close relationship between the noble Qur’an and Ramadan. It was in this month in the fortieth year of his life in Makkah that Muhammad (pbuh) had a dramatic encounter in the Cave of Hira’ with the archangel, Gabriel (a).
There is no doubt that today’s Muslims are more divided than they have ever been. The divisions are so prevalent that in the political and economic sense of the word the Muslims of the world have ceased to be the “ummah” spoken about in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. A closer look at the condition of today’s Muslims and we realize that these divisions are related to disputes and disagreements that have become throughout the ages what appear to be irreconcilable differences.
Zafar Bangah, director of the ICIT, reviews Saeed Malik’s A Perspective on the Signs of Al-Qur’an: Through the Prism of the Heart, 278 pages, Pbk: $18.99, (published in 2009 and available at and
The Truth of the Life of this World by Harun Yahya. Pub: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd., 1 Wynne Road, London SW9 0BB, 1999. Pp: 221. Pbk: UK5.95. By Imtiaz Adam
Muslims have naturally expressed concern over this latest assault on the Islamic sacred text...
The Mind Al-Qur’an Builds by Syed Abdul Latif, new edition. Pub: Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur, 2002. Pp: 141; price: RM19.00.
A THEMATIC COMMENTARY ON THE QUR’AN by Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali. Pub: International Institute of Islamic Thought, USA; Islamic Book Trust Malaysia, 2000. Pp: 800; Price: RM60.00.
Arabic has the distinction of being a literary language par excellence throughout the Arab and Muslim world, developed directly from Qur’anic Arabic and used in an array of forms ranging from poetry and theology to public policy and news media.
The Israeli zionists have convinced themselves that their presence in Palestine is permanent. They have even managed to deceive world public opinion into believing this myth. The brainwashing that has gone into this effort is phenomenal.