There is nothing natural about poverty. It is the result of policies pursued by the rich and powerful—the greedy oligarchs—that are determined to accumulate huge amounts of wealth at the expense of the poor.
Muslims have enormous wealth at their disposal: $11.5 trillion almost equal to the US GDP of $17 trillion. How Muslim wealth is utilized will have enormous implications for their future well-being.
1Instead of acknowledging its own role in supporting takfiri terrorists that were unleashed in Syria, the British government is blaming Muslims for their emergence. As Baronnes Warsi said, Muslims will speak out when they know they will be heard.
It may sound contradictory but poverty in the US is widespread despites its being the world’s richest country. This is because inequality is built in to the US system with the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer.
If someone mentioned spiritual poverty in Saudi Arabia, it would surprise few given the rigid literalist Wahhabi ideology that is imposed on people in the archaic kingdom. After all, women are prohibited from driving and the mutawwa, religious police go around beating people for no apparent reason except that these religious zealots presume people are not following their literalist ideology.
In an attempt to put a happier face on globalization, G8 (Group of Eight, also known as ‘Greedy Eight’) leaders tried to placate the world’s less fortunate at their summit in Japan last July by promising to set up a Digital Opportunities Task Force (DOT) to identify ways to encourage the spread of technology to the farthest reaches of the “developing world”.
Foreign aid, whether in the form of loans or grants, in cash or in kind, is often touted as a useful way to bring about an international redistribution of global wealth. One streak of classical economic growth theorization, known as the economic convergence theory...
Poverty and hunger are age-old human conditions. Today, as humanity awaits the advent of a new millennium, the world continues to be polarized into poor and rich countries.