A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Leadership

Showing 1-14 of 14
News & Analysis

Azeri regime’s brutality may cause civil war

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Awwal 10, 14362015-01-01

The illegitimate Azeri regime is pushing the country towards civil war because of its brutal tactics against the opposition.


Imam Khomeini’s inspiring leadership

Zafar Bangash

Sha'ban 03, 14352014-06-01

Given the paucity of good leaders in the Muslim world, Imam Khomeini, who joined heavenly company in June 1989, offers an example of great leadership.

News & Analysis

“They want to start a religious war; we want to extinguish it” – Mufti of Syria

Eva Bartlett

Sha'ban 03, 14352014-06-01

Leading figures in Syria such as the Mufti of Syria who lost his own son to a terrorist attack, want to extinguish the fires of hatred. The overwhelming majority of Syrians agree, isolating the foreign-backed mercenaries inside and outside Syria.

Special Reports

Tribute to Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Abdul Kader Kurtha

Rabi' al-Awwal 01, 14352014-01-02

Nelson Mandela was a remarkable person. He not only overcame his adversaries in the political struggle but also outshone them morally by working for reconciliation after apartheid ended.

News & Analysis

Turkey’s return to “zero problem” policy

Ahmet Aslan

Muharram 27, 14352013-12-01

Let by unrealistic expectations of reviving the Ottoman legacy, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan chewed more than he could swallow in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. After repeated failures, Ankara has embarked on a course correction, one hopes, in sincerity.

Letters To The Editor

Hamas leadership’s decisions

Tahir Abu Zahra

Muharram 27, 14352013-12-01

Decisions carry consequences; and faulty decisions will lead to negative consequences as the Hamas leadership has found to its cost.

Letters To The Editor

Al Azhar has failed again

Syed Mahmoud Ansari

Shawwal 24, 14342013-09-01

This once venerable institution has been reduced to a shell and its head doing the bidding of the corrupt rulers. It is a sad reflection to how far the Ummah has fallen.

Letters To The Editor

Dr. Rohani

Robert Maddox

Ramadan 23, 14342013-08-01

The election of Dr Hassan Rohani as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran has aroused great hopes, not least in the West. Dr Rohani will be well advised to deal with the devil with caution.

Special Reports

Muslim political direction in the US: implementation of Islamic principles over symbols

Jamshed Abbas

Rajab 22, 14342013-06-01

The role of committed Muslims is to work for social, economic and political justice by interacting with the oppressed in western societies.

Letters To The Editor

New Egypt?

Humeira Khan

Dhu al-Hijjah 16, 14332012-11-01

Is President Mohamad Mursi serious in his pronouncements or is he simply playing to the public gallery?

News & Analysis

Imran Khan: the last great hope for Pakistan?

Zafar Bangash

Jumada' al-Akhirah 09, 14332012-05-01

Imran Khan, cricket-star-turned-social worker-turned politician, is riding high in public opinion polls in Pakistan.


Time for radical change in Pakistan

Zafar Bangash

Ramadan 01, 14322011-08-01

On its 64th birthday Pakistan has a unique opportunity to change policies that have been little short of disastrous so far. Such change will depend on several factors.

Special Reports

Why poor countries repeatedly fail

Zafar Bangash

Ramadan 22, 14312010-09-01

Imperialists, Zionists, capitalists, and their enabling analogs in the poor countries of the world run around and tear up the lives of ordinary people, cause havoc in global markets, run down the environment and everything else in their path, leading to all manner of human suffering.

Islamic Movement

Ulama must solve leadership and organization problems

Kalim Siddiqui

Safar 07, 14222001-05-01

To mark the fifth anniversary of the death of Dr Kalim Siddiqui, we published an abridged extract from a paper by him in our last issue. In this issue, we reprint an article by Dr Siddiqui first published in Crescent International exactly 15 years ago (May 1-15, 1986).

Showing 1-14 of 14

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