Instead of information, media outlets indulge in massive lies to mislead people.
1The sordid tale of how the CIA buys journalists and the manner in which their newspapers facilitate such activities. Is there any such thing as ‘objective’ media? Read and ponder.
Journalists, it is said, write the first draft of history. Given the manner in which the once honourable profession of journalism has been subverted into a propaganda tool of the Western corporate elite, it is a totally undeserved compliment.
A storm of protest has erupted in Canada, instigated by elements opposed to Islamic Iran, as well as anti-Muslim groups, over the death of Zahra Kazemi, 54, an Iranian-born photo-journalist, in Tehran.
Tariq Ayoub, an correspondent for the independent Arab satellite television channel al-Jazeera, was killed in Baghdad on April 8 when the al-Jazeera office was attacked by a US aircraft while showing some of the mounting slaughter being committed by US troops throughout the Iraqi capital.