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Keyword: Egyptian military

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Main Stories

Military pushes Egypt toward civil war

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 24, 14342013-09-01

By massacring unarmed civilians that were merely holding a sit-in, the military has brought Egypt to the brink of civil war. While the military may have the guns and may be able to kill a very large number of people, they have lost all credibility and will ultimately pay a heavy price for such brutality.


The Ikhwan and the “power of the street”

Afeef Khan

Shawwal 24, 14342013-09-01

The Ikhwan may have been pushed out of power by a brutal military coup and have offered thousands of martyrs, but if they can show their staying power in the streets, they can defeat the military and bring it to its knees.

Daily News Analysis

Will the real General Sisi please stand up!

Crescent International

Shawwal 22, 14342013-08-30

Who is General Sisi? There are multiple personalities rolled into one but it is the whispering campaign in Egyptian households backed by various sources that is causing serious concern. Neither Sisi nor any of his military or civilian spokespersons have responded to allegations about his questionable background. What is the truth? Not only Egyptians but Muslims worldwide would like to know.

Daily News Analysis

Events take farcical turn in Egypt

Crescent International

Shawwal 21, 14342013-08-29

While the military-appointed "interim president" of Egypt changed the oath the military must take removing their pledge to the president, another politician, this time the leader of the Salafi Nour Party, Youness Makhioun denounced those that oppose the military as "traitors." Grovelling at the feet of the military has become fashionable for some politicians in Egypt but it is a betrayal of the proud people of Egypt.

Main Stories

What went wrong in Egypt?

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 23, 14342013-08-01

The July 3 coup in Egypt has set the people of Egypt back by many decades. The brutal crackdown on supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and mass killings prove the military’s evil intentions.


Hamas in a bind after Mursi’s ouster

Zafar Bangash

Ramadan 23, 14342013-08-01

The Palestinians have often been let down by their own leadership. Even Hamas, the Islamic movement, finds itself in difficulties once again because of the ouster of President Mohamed Mursi from power in Egypt.

Special Reports

The Muslim world’s meddlesome militaries

Zafar Bangash

Ramadan 23, 14342013-08-01

Far from fulfilling their responsibility to defend the state’s borders against external enemies, Muslim militaries have perfected the art of conquering their own people. This is what has just happened in Egypt, as in numerous other countries before.

Letters To The Editor

Condemn the coup in Egypt

Mohamed E. Hawash

Ramadan 23, 14342013-08-01

The military coup in Egypt is a gross violation of people’s rights and it must be condemned by every human being that cares for justice and freedom.

Daily News Analysis

Massacre pushes Egypt to point of no return

Crescent International

Ramadan 19, 14342013-07-28

The Egyptian military has exposed its brutal nature very quickly. The blood splattered walls of Rabaa al-Adawiya Mosque and the surrounding pavement where hundreds of unarmed protesters were gunned down before Fajr prayers on Saturday provides ample proof of their criminal nature. Nothing short of an Islamic revolution can bring these criminals to justice. Nothing less would do.

Daily News Analysis

Death toll of Mursi supporters surges past 200

Crescent International

Ramadan 17, 14342013-07-26

The Egyptian military regime is getting desperate. Unable to suppress Mursi supporters that are keeping their vigil, the military dictator General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi called for massive show of support for Friday. The turnout of his hired thugs was less than anticipated but it does not matter since he just wants to use this as an excuse to clamp down even harder on the Muslim Brotherhood. The mass killings of Mursi supporters proves this.

Daily News Analysis

Fears of civil war grow amid rival rallies in Egypt

Crescent International

Rajab 22, 14342013-06-01

Millions of Egyptians, some armed with sticks and iron bars, have occupied various squares across the country. Opponents of Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi demand his immediate resignation and fresh elections while his supporters insist they will not allow a president to be pushed out of office a year after he was constitutionally elected. There are real fears of a civil war breaking out and the military taking over, once again.


Destabilizing Mursi’s government in Egypt

Zafar Bangash

Rabi' al-Thani 19, 14342013-03-01

Even though Mohamed Mursi won the presidential elections fair and square, the losing candidates and remnants of the old regime are not willing to give up so easily. In cahoots with their foreign masters, they are busy destabilizing Egypt.

Letters To The Editor

Egypt’s crisis

Abdel Maguid Ahmed

Safar 19, 14342013-01-01

What we are witnessing in Egypt is the direct result of operating within the existing corrupt order.


Egypt’s rightful place

Zafar Bangash

Shawwal 14, 14332012-09-01

In the past, Egypt’s important role in the Muslim East (aka Middle East) was stymied because of its rulers’ subservience to imperialism and zionism. This may be changing amid renewed hopes.

Letters To The Editor

Incompetent, corrupt junta

Mohammad Hawash

Ramadan 12, 14332012-08-01

The military junta in Egypt is not only incompetent but also corrupt. They should not be in power.


Naked power grab by Egyptian generals I

Zafar Bangash

Sha'ban 11, 14332012-07-01

It was unrealistic to expect that the military in Egypt would simply roll over and hand power to the elected representatives of the people.


The total transformation of the Ummah requires more than just political success

Iqbal Siddiqui

Sha'ban 11, 14332012-07-01

The confirmation on June 24 that Muhammad Mursi, the candidate representing the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen, had been elected President of Egypt, has a certain air of inevitability.

Letters To The Editor

Ikhwan and the situation in Egypt

Mamoun al-Dhahabi

Jumada' al-Akhirah 09, 14332012-05-01

Your article, “Choices facing the Ikhwan” (Crescent, 4-2012) was both enlightening and thought provoking.


Struggle for the soul of Egypt

Zafar Bangash

Rajab 29, 14322011-07-01

The struggle underway to influence and control the course of events in Egypt reflects Cairo’s importance not only for the Muslim East but also global politics. The most populous country in the region, Egypt sits at the crossroads of two continents.

News & Analysis

Egyptians discover their struggle was hijacked

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 27, 14322011-05-01

The people of Egypt are gradually waking up to the reality that it is one thing to drive a dictator out, even one that has been around for as long as Hosni Mubarak — 30 years — and quite a different matter to change the political system and the culture of entitlement that has grown within it. There are many constituencies that have unfairly benefitted under the old system; they are not likely to give up their privileged positions so easily, Mubarak or not.

Showing 21-40 of 47

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