Long line up characterized the two rounds of referendum to approve Egypt’s new constitution. The overall approval rate was 64% despite attempts by the opposition to disrupt the vote.
The people of Egypt showed they would not be persuaded to follow the path of instability and chaos. After two years of turmoil, they want peace and stability. They showed it by voting overwhelmingly in favour of the new constitution.
October 15 was a historic day for Iraqis. Up to 10 million Iraqis may have gone to the polls to cast their votes in the first genuine constitutional referendum in their country's history. But, like every other critical decision-point in the political processes of post-Saddam Iraq, instead of fostering unity the constitutional vote is going to rend the social fabric of a country that is already split along sectarian and ethnic lines.
A book like the present one, which has not been written in the common textbook style, may not cater to all the academic needs of a student or Islamic Law and Constitution, who wants to study the subject in all its multifarious details, but I do hope, it will prove of immense help to all those persons who want to study the nature of the Islamic State, its theory, form and underlying principles, and who wish to understand how the Islamic Law can be implemented in a modern state. Today there are many countries whose Muslim population is, after attaining independence, naturally eager to base its polity on those principles and traditions of Islam which are a demand of its faith and conscience.The people want that the Islamic Law should be introduced in their respective countries so that they may follow a law which they owe their honest and sincere allegiance.