International Criminal Court complaint filed against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Rice and Gonzales. In the wake of the US Senate report into CIA torture, the complaint by respected International Law Professor Francis Boyle against former US officials assumes greater urgency and significance
Students and faculty at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ, have achieved a rare victory by forcing Condoleezza Rice, former National Security Adviser and former Secretary of State in the Bush regime to cancel her commencement speech at the university. She was to receive an honorary degree as well as $35,000 fee. Students and faculty accused her of lying and justifying torture while in office.
The emerging, new Muslim East (aka the Middle East) is not the one Condoleezza Rice had envisioned; it is more confident and assertive and pursuing an agenda to serve the interests of the people rather than imperialist/Zionist powers.
The West’s attack on Libya is yet another crusade launched against a Muslim country on the pretext of protecting its people. Pope Urban II would be pleased to learn that his disciples are still marching on as good “Christian soldiers” against another group of “heathens” in the Muslim world nearly a thousand years after his sermon on Mount Clermont.
President Bush and Condoleezza Rice, his Black secretary of state, are so desperate to defend their now-discredited campaign to establish democratic rule in the Middle East, and in Central Asia, that they are evoking the history of the civil rights movement in the US.
In a transparently doctored policy speech setting out the US government's vision for the Middle East, Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, said in Cairo on June 20 that Washingtonwill no longer tolerate oppression in the region as it has done for 60 years. She stressed that democracy is "inevitable" and that "the fear of free choice can no longer justify the denial theory".
It was inevitable: US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice's seven-hour visit to Kabul, the Afghan capital, on March 17 was bound to cause some joking: the only relief available to a people traumatized by 27 years of war and bloodshed. "We wanted bread but got Rice instead," said many Afghans.