Gripped by multiple crises, the Bani Saud think buying more weapons from the West would get them security. This is likely to hasten their downfall.
2All regimes in the Muslim East (aka the Middle East) are dictatorships regardless of the label they carry. The Bahraini regime is made up of the minority al-Khalifa family that is brutally suppressing the majority Shia population. The regime’s decision to strip a respected alim, Shaikh Issa Qassem of his citizenship is likely to short-circuit the miserable existence of this pathetic regime.
Does any regime, especially an illegitimate one like that in Bahrain, have the right to strip native-born sons of citizenship rights? This is what the Khalifa regime in Bahrain has done against the respected scholar, Shaikh Issa Qassem evoking universal condemnation. The regime may have signed its own death warrant.