Nikki Haley was not the US ambassador to the UN; she represented her real masters, the Zionists, at whose behest and whose support she may make a bid for the US presidency.
There is a convergence of interests between Zionism and Islamophobia. The Zionists are behind the hysterical campaign against Muslims.
Al Jazeera tries to project itself as the voice of the Arab street but in reality it is an echo chamber for Western propaganda.
Thousands of Palestinians and Lebanses were massacred by Christian Phalangist forces supported by Zionist Israel in 1982. Reader Mohamed E. Hawash recalls the Zionist-Phalangist crimes.
Americans might be led to believe that their country is free, in reality, it is hostage to zionist interests. A large number of lobbies, think tanks and media outlets working at the behest of the zionist parasitical state keep the US and its people in bondage. Millions of Americans suffer in poverty but the zionists continue to suck the blood out of the US. Read and learn how the “lobby” works...
The American political system is hostage to money. Lobbies rule the roost. The US, however, is not the only country where money talks. Other countries also use money to buy influence or favour. The Saudis use money to create fitna in the Ummah.
The foreign conspirators—the US-Wahhabi-zionist trio—trying to destroy Syria have suffered a humiliating defeat. Their backing of the cannibalistic opponents of the regime has exposed their sponsors and caused global revulsion.
There is heated debate in Washington about what to do with the runaway debt crisis. And this time it is real. Both halves of the American body politic — the Republicans and the Democrats — have finally been stung by the uncontrollable debt that is officially acknowledged to be around $14.4 trillion.
“America has the best democracy money can buy,” is not merely a catchy slogan; it accurately captures the essence and nature of US democracy...
As if a meteorological blizzard was not enough during this past winter, Washington is now afflicted by a psychological blizzard. The media mouthpieces are blowing hot and cold — declaiming wildly what an observer would call an arctic chill that is descending upon the political tundra between the Knesset and the White House...