Special Reports
The UN conference: a participant’s perspective
Most of the participants at the third UN World Conference Against Racism arrived in Durban filled with cautious optimism, coming to raise critical issues of racial justice. Some were seeking reparations for the trans-Atlantic slave-trade, others for exposing the racist core of Zionism.
Dr Kalim Siddiqui: an inspiration to the global Islamic movement
Three years after his death Dr Kalim Siddiqui continues to nourish the global Islamic movement. Like a benign apparition his thoughts and ideas, hopes and aspirations pervade every private thought and every public halaqa of those Muslims who are consciously dedicated to the cause of Islamic change...
Obituary: Dr Kalim Siddiqui, 1931-1996
Although he was best known in Britain for his stand against Rushdie, and as the founder and Leader of the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain, Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s involvement in British Muslim community affairs was a new direction for him in the later years of his life.