A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Adil Husain


Occupied Arab World

Mubarak, the modern-day pharaoh of Egypt

Adil Husain

Jumada' al-Ula' 29, 14181997-10-01

Old habits, it is said, die hard. This applies especially to the regime of president Husni of Egypt who seems to be continuing in the ways of the pharaohs of bygone days.

Occupied Arab World

Legal defence a crime in pharaoh Mubarak's Egypt

Adil Husain

Safar 10, 14181997-06-16

Where in the world would lawyers be hauled before a military court to face charges for defending alleged opponents of the regime? In Egypt of course, ruled by the pharaoh Husni Mubarak, Washington’s favourite clown in the Middle East.

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