While Muslims are impatiently awaiting the collapse of the US-backed al-Saud family rule through domestic uprising, Yemen might end up being the decisive factor in starting the process of al-Saud’s demise.
Yemen and the fate of Hijaz were always interconnected, a fact confirmed by divine scriptures and historical events. Historically Yemen was crucial for the annihilation of the British project today known as Saudi Arabia. In 1933 it was Yemen that almost ended the Wahhabi fitnah by leading a successful military campaign on Najd. Were it not for British meddling, the Saud family would be gone long ago.
In 2009, Riyadh eagerly went to war against Yemen after receiving orders from the US to crush the Islamic movement led by Yahia Badreddin al-Houthi. However, the Saudis’ proved completely incompetent and got a heavy beating at the hands of Houthis.
Today the Islamic movement led by al-Houthi controls several provinces in Yemen and possess strong political and military apparatus. Over the past two years the Saudi family has tried to incite sectarian violence in Yemen specifically targeting the movement led by al-Houthi.
The conflict between the Saud family and the Islamic movement in Yemen is brewing behind the scenes. This factor is also evident from the fact that in the first days of 2013 several leading US think-tanks and policy institutions dedicated several lengthy analyses on Yemen and evaluated the situation there in conjunction with the monarchical succession in Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi regime with vast amounts of money and security apparatus backed by Western regimes and Israel exercises virtually total control over its population. Riyadh’s sectarian and tribal politics managed to create artificial divides within the Arabian Peninsula controlled by the House of Saud. The domestic front of al-Sauds is, therefore, under repressive and rigorous control within which it is hard to implement civil socio-political activities pushing for change. Taking into account the aggressive response of al-Sauds towards the legitimate demands of the people and the militant background of political struggles in the Arabian Peninsula, it is hard to imagine how a scenario similar to Tunisia or Egypt could unfold inside Saudi Arabia.
The US and Israeli paranoia about Islamic socio-political forces allied with Iran could lead to a repeat of the US-backed Saudi invasion of Yemen similar to the one at the end of 2009. Taking into consideration the US proxy war in Syria against the resistance axis led by Iran, the Islamic movement in Yemen may decide to push for all-out victory against the Saudis if they attack Yemen in order to deflect attention from Syria. It may also happen that the Islamic movement in Yemen may initiate the neutralization process of al-Saud’s destructive policies in Yemen without waiting for particular regional developments.
No matter what happens, it is evident that Yemen will play a big role in changes that are bound to reach the Arabian Peninsula controlled by the US backed al-Saud.
As Muslims ponder the role of the House of Saud, we need to remind ourselves of a hadith (Hadith of Najd reported by Bukhari in Vol 9, Book 88, hadith #214) of the noble Messenger (saws) who once prayed: “O Allah, bless our Sham (Syria) and bless our Yemen.” Upon this, his Companions inquired: “What about Najd, O Messenger of Allah (saws)?” The noble Messenger (saws) again mentioned Sham and Yemen in invoking his blessings but missed Najd. The Companions again inquired about Najd. After repeating this three times, the noble Messenger (saws) said: “A great fitna will emerge from Najd that will try to destroy Islam and my Ummah.”