After Donald Trump hinted that he might not recognize the results of the presidential selection process and then even suggested postponing the election date, a logistical hurdle is added to the US presidential race.
Reuters quoted United Parcel Service stating that “State ballots must be postmarked to be considered valid and only the USPS has lawful postmarking status. Therefore UPS, FedEx and other private parties cannot technically be involved in shipping ballots.”
In the same report FedEx was quoted as saying that “FedEx does accept individual ballots, and we advise that customers planning to return their ballots via FedEx should closely review their state’s guidelines on absentee voting and deadlines for ballots or related election documents.”
Due to the coronavirus pandemic many voters in the US will be casting their ballot through mail, but due to the dismal condition of public services in the US, the US postal service expressed its inability to handle the new situation. As can be seen from the Reuters report, private companies are not willing to step up and assist during the presidential race.
There is already deep mistrust among citizens of the US electoral process because money plays a huge role in it. If the upcoming presidential selection process experiences additional logistical malfunctions, given its domestic situation, the US might implode internally.
Courtesy: Reuters