Saudi Princess Sahar, the daughter of King Abdullah has issued a call for the people to rise up against the regime. Sahar and her three sisters are kept hostage in two separate houses in Jeddah while their mother, Al-Anood al-Fayez, divorced from King Abdullah, fled the kingdom to live in exile in London. Princess Sahar's call is supremely courageous and could cause her more harm but it seems she is not afraid.
Saturday April 26, 2014, 11:27 DST
In an act of supreme courage, a Saudi princess has called upon the people to rise up against the decrepit regime. Princess Sahar, the eldest daughter of King Abdullah, who has been under house arrest together with three of her sisters in the port city of Jeddah, issued the call in a video message.
She urged the people to rise up and victory will be theirs. In the message, she said: “Greetings to martyrs and to free men in jail. It is an honor for me to learn the meaning of freedom, rights and dignity from you revolutionary people.”
Princess Sahar is the daughter of Al-Anood al-Fayez, who got divorced from King Abdullah and left the kingdom to live in Britain in 2003. Abdullah has kept the daughters hostage and has locked them up in two separate houses where they are not permitted outside contact or visits.
Their conditions are described as appalling. They are provided only one meal a day and are not permitted to leave the houses where they are incarcerated.
Referring to human rights activists that have spoken out and ended in Saudi prisons, Princess Sahar said: “We promise to follow in your footsteps and not to let go of your hands. God’s hand will be above us,” alluding to the ayat in Surah Fath of the Qur’an that describes the Bayt ar-Ridwan that the Companions of the Prophet, upon whom be peace, made prior to the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah.
Princess Sahar went on: “We learn determination from Ayatollah Nimr al-Nimr, the Sheikh of free men. For this reason, we will press ahead on the path by our own will.”
Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr was arrested on July 8, 2012 over calls for the release of political prisoners. He was attacked, injured and arrested by Saudi security forces en route to his house in the Qatif region of Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, that is predominantly Shia.
Exuding confidence in their ultimate victory over the forces of darkness that have engulfed the Arabian Peninsula, Princess Sahar said: “And we will become victorious with faith in Allah. Good luck, you who have honored us by raising the flags of freedom. Your sisters, Sahar and Jawahir.”
Her two other sisters, Maha and Hala are kept in a separate house. They are daughters of Saudi King Abdullah that have been jailed in their houses in Jeddah. Guards belonging to the Mutawwas, the Saudi thought police, as well as the women’s half-brothers frequently beat them with sticks allegedly for displaying rebelliousness.
In a message released on the eve of President Barack Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia on March 28, the women’s mother, Al-Anood al-Fayez issued a call to him to raise the matter of her daughters’ long incarceration during his meeting with King Abdullah. Obama did not do so but the story made it into most media outlets.
In her message, Al-Anood said: "Since 13 years, my daughters Sahar, Maha, Hala and Jawaher are being held captive." She made a plea: "They need to be saved and released immediately." It must be borne in mind that Abdullah is 90 and has a 10-year-old daughter.
Addressing Obama directly, Al-Anood al-Fayez said: "Mr. Obama should take this opportunity to address these grave violations committed against my daughters."