American officials are involved in frenetic efforts to arrange a meeting between Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) and the indicted Israeli Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu. The meeting will be held in Cairo where not only Egypt but such other Arabian regimes as those in Bahrain, UAE, Sudan, Morocco and Oman will also attend.
The Saudis want to make a collective surrender of the Arabian regimes. Jordan’s King Abdullah and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, however, have declined to participate.
There is rush to hold the meeting before Israel’s March 2 parliamentary elections to boost Netanyahu’s chances of success who is facing a serious challenge from his rival, Benny Gatz.
The scramble to hold a meeting when Saudi Arabia and Israel do not have formal diplomatic ties comes amid widespread and “arbitrary” arrests of Palestinians residing in the medieval kingdom. The Saudi regime is accusing Palestinians of supporting the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, by sending money to Gaza.
What should poor Palestinians do whose families are bottled up in tiny Gaza and have no means of earning an income to survive? Even the UN has said that Palestinians in Gaza are on the verge of starvation. 90 percent of Gaza’s water is contaminated because Israel refuses to allow any spare parts to be imported for its water treatment plants. Hospitals are grossly short of desperately-needed medicines. The tiny strip has been referred to as the largest ‘open-air prison’ in the world, blockaded from all sides by Zionist Israel and Egypt.
Last April, the Saudi regime launched a campaign of arbitrary arrests of Palestinians, some of them residing in the kingdom for more than 30 years. Even prominent Palestinians like Dr Muhammad al-Khudary have been arrested and are being harshly interrogated in prison. Dr al-Khudary represented Hamas in the kingdom from the 1990s till 2003 and has lived and worked there for 30 years. He became seriously ill, no doubt because of mistreatment in prison and was moved to hospital. He has since been returned to prison.
Saudi prisons are notorious for torturing detainees. Prison officials indulge in such practice to appease their political masters hoping for favors. A large number of Saudi ulama, among them Shaykh Salman al Awda, are also languishing in prison, some on death row for no other ‘crime’ than praying for unity among Muslims.
On June 3, 2019, the Lebanese Arabic-language daily newspaper al-Akhbar, reported quoting anonymous sources, that Saudis have been holding dozens of Saudi nationals and Palestinian expatriates in detention for months over affiliation to Hamas. Four months later (October 21, 2019), Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told the Arabic-language Shehab news agency that Palestinian detainees in Saudi Arabian prisons are subjected to various forms of torture and cruel methods of interrogation.
“Unfortunately, there is a harsh investigation procedure against the detainees, some of whom are subjected to various forms of torture. Interrogators of different nationalities are questioning them,” Abu Zuhri revealed. There are at least 60 Palestinians detained in Saudi prisons, some of them children or relatives of those accused of affiliation with Hamas.
What exactly is the Saudis’ problem with Hamas? Is it because it is the legitimately elected government in Gaza while the Bani Saud are a British creation planted in the Arabian Peninsula to serve Western interests? Hamas is struggling to secure the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people while the Bani Saud are scrambling to surrender to Zionist Israel.
The Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) quoting an Arab source said on February 10 that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his team have been mediating between representatives from Israel and Saudi Arabia over several months to set up the meeting. “In recent days there have been very intensive discussions between Washington, Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to arrange a summit meeting in Cairo as early as the coming weeks, even before the [March 2] election in Israel.”
The logical consequence of Bani Saud’s surrender to Zionist Israel is the declaration of war against the Palestinians. Can there be any better definition of treachery? Even the Makkan mushriks at the time of the Prophet (pbuh) had some honor. The Bani Saud have none.