Addressing Hollywood film industrialists in Beverly Hills on January 14, Malaysian prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad invited the American entertainment industry to invest in his latest brainchild, the Multimedia Super-Corridor (MSC). At a function hosted by the Jewish mayor Tom Levyn, Mahathir offered many incentives which among others include a ten-year tax exemption, relaxation of censorship rules, intake of foreign workforce and numerous infrastructure and finance facilities - all aimed at attracting Information Technology giants to join the MSC.
As is always the case, Malaysia’s tightly-controlled media went into a frenzy of describing the MSC as yet another fabulous idea by Mahathir - ignoring fears expressed over his invitation for Hollywood companies to set up their bases in this Muslim majority state. One paper even went to the extent of making a comparison with those who perform Umrah in Makkah during Ramadan! It commended Mahathir for working overtime during Ramadan in Hollywood for the sake of the country! One would be forgiven for thinking that this is the reason why Hollywood is called a ‘mecca’ of the entertainment industry.
Muslim leaders have warned of the adverse effect that Hollywood will have on the morals of the youth should such an industry be allowed to flourish in Malaysia. These fears are not unfounded: even without Hollywood’s direct presence, the Malay-Muslim masses are already in a pitiful moral state - drug addiction, gang violence, pre-marital sex and baby dumping are now rampant among the Malay-Muslims.
Hollywood - the ‘mecca’ of the entertainment industry - had its origins in a small industrial town built in 1911 which was to be fully controlled by Jewish migrants from East Europe. During the twenties, America’s largely Christian public crticised Hollywood as a base for Jewish propaganda. In 1933, talented film makers such as Freund Kertesz, Murnau, Renoir and many other Jews who were fleeing from the Nazis found their way into Hollywood.
Interestingly those who founded the companies which form the backbone of the film industry in Hollywood all belonged to the first and second generation Jewish migrants. These include Paramount Pictures founded by Adolf Zukor and Larsky, Universal Pictures (Carl Lacmmle), MGM (Goldfish, Selwyn and Mayer), 20th Century Fox (William Fox), Warner Brothers (Harry, Albert, Samuel and Jack Warner) and Columbia Pictures (Harry and Jack Cohn).
World War II saw Hollywood’s emerging role as a centre for spreading Jewish propaganda. Wartime movies depicting the American soldiers as the heroes of the war perpetuated by Hitler against the Jews only, made their presence felt worldwide. After the destruction of Jewish-controlled film industry in Germany by Hitler in 1933, the Jews took control of the American entertainment industry and thus began what they termed a ‘new golden era’ for Jewish film makers. “Today, it is Mahathir’s turn to invite them to realise their dream to destroy the Muslim world and create another golden era - starting from the Malay world where 250 million of the world’s Muslims live,” writes a local commentator in one opposition tabloid.
“This is not to say that Islam is incompatible with technology and material pursuits, so long these spring from the Islamic worldview. Going after an alien technology which was founded neither on moral nor on spiritual foundation will only backfire upon the Muslims. Mahathir’s so-called ‘pragmatic’ approach to realise his grand vision is at the expense of the Malay-Muslim youths who are already in a pathological condition. At the same time, one is amused at his lamentation at the state of corruption and moral degradation among the Malay youths of this country. It is like the Malay saying: the right hand builds and the left hand destroys,” he added.
Of recent years, American social scientists and even films stars have begun to question Hollywood’s disastrous role in the ever-rising sexual violence and crime rate. At a time when Hollywood is being attacked from all corners for its cheap thrills and Zionist connection, Mahathir emerged and offered it a place of refuge in Malaysia. Those in the Hollywood industry have already begun to salivate at Mahathir’s invitation - after all, having a Hollywood on its land is the last thing that any country with an entertainment hungry audience and cheap labour would ever want. As if the film industrialists were so unvisionary, Mahathir even gave them his expert advice for Hollywood to remain dominant - think of new contents that will suite the various Asian cultures and religions. Would somebody please tell the good doctor that this is what they have been doing all the while? It is a more effective way of deviating the innocent youths by disguising in their local cultural and religious garb. No wonder we find the likes of Talibans among our midst! But will we ever learn?
Muslimedia - February 16-28, 1997