It goes without saying that American decision makers are Israeli politicians: Americans by citizenship, Israelis by public spirit — with very few exceptions. No one could have demonstrated this better than Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last month during his bossy presence in Cairo, Egypt.
In his speech at the American University of Cairo (AUC) he swanked about being an evangelical Christian with a Bible on his office desk. He also prided himself on 2019 being the 100th year of the establishment of the AUC in Cairo. Aside from these self-congratulatory introductory remarks Pompeo indulged in the fallacies of US foreign policy presenting them as righteous and unselfish!
He began by stating that Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all the children of Abraham. Looks like he hasn’t been studying his Bible carefully. Biblical interpretations equate the sons of Abraham through his son Isma‘il with illegitimate children and in some non-religiously correct interpretations as bastards. Dare any religious or political Egyptian bring that to the attention of their superior Mr. Pompeo?
Mr. Pompeo thinks he is speaking to a dumbed down crowd when he asserts that America is a “force for good” in the Middle East. No common man in the street from Quneitrah (Morocco) to Cairo to Qatar will agree; US presence in the Muslim East has been caustic and catastrophic. Look at the US involvement in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, and Somalia — not to mention Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Palestine.
Mr. Pompeo said that US leaders (alluding to the Obama regime) have misread US history and the historical moment of the Middle East. This was his jab at Obama’s eight years when policies were made apparently to quiet down Islamic Iran. The secretary of state mentioned his and his regime’s determination to put an end to ISIS (by bombing them into defeat). He said that ISIS drove to the outskirts of Baghdad as America hesitated [to confront them]… they raped and pillaged and murdered hundreds of thousands of innocents… What he either knowingly or unknowingly left out of his speech is the fact that successive US regimes fully backed the supporters of ISIS. If US foreign policy really intended to pull the plug on ISIS all that had to be done was to tell US allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab(ian) Emirates, and Turkey in particular to stop their financing and arming of ISIS and its offshoots and equivalents throughout the Muslim East. Had the US done that, it would have terminated ISIS and its bloody associates all over the Muslim world.
Mr. Pompeo went on to say that the US was timid in asserting itself when needed. “Asserting itself”! What are hundreds of thousands of US troops doing in the Muslim East? What is the meaning of hundreds of US military bases proliferating within and around the Muslim East? And he had the chutzpah to say that America hesitated to wield power that caused ISIS to spread… As if the US did not want ISIS to spread… US policy has been to setup, entrap, and kill Muslims through the vehicle of ISIS and its counterparts. Naive and susceptible Muslim youth fell into that deception. The ISIS trap would not have worked were it not for the Saudi supervised and financed atavistic religious Wahhabi institutions.
After this stretched starter Pompeo finally made it to his real intent and purpose: Islamic Iran and Zionist Israel. He said that the US must confront the Ayatullahs, not cuddle them. He also said that the US will support in a decisive manner Israel to defeat its enemies (Islamic Iran, Hizbullah, etc). Netanyahu couldn’t have expressed himself better.
Now let us probe the propositions of this pompous Pompeo performance. President Barack Obama went to Cairo to kick off his regime’s version of protecting Israel: the American carrot approach. Here we have Pompeo also going to Cairo, but to kick off his regime’s stick approach.
The pivotal point in Pompeo’s Cairo contention is that Iran should not be contained (that was Obama’s failure) but should be confronted (that, he assumes, will be Trump’s success). This is a very discreet and diplomatic way of saying the US is preparing for war with Islamic Iran. The objective of a conference scheduled to be held in Poland (February 13–14, after Crescent press time) will be to fuse together certain “Sunni-Arabian” nation-states to become the spearhead in a military campaign that will be controlled remotely by evangelical imperialist Washington on behalf of talmudic Zionist Israel. The way information is coming out, the Arabian regimes that will be called to Zionist military duty against Islamic Iran are: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab(ian) Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt; the jury is still out on Qatar and Oman.
The second target in Pompeo’s speech is Hizbullah. Expect in this coming year Israeli maneuvers or false-flag operations to commence military operations or even a war in Lebanon with US backing and blessing. Pompeo mentioned that Hizbullah has 130,000 missiles in Lebanon equipped with precision Iranian technology to be used against Israel. He (calculatingly) forgot to tell his listeners how many missiles and what type of missiles (among them atomic ones) Israel has and will use against Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims when its Masada moment arrives.
Pompeo said that the US is not an occupying force. What are US military forces doing in Afghanistan and Iraq? What have US forces been doing in Somalia, Libya, Yemen, and Syria? Wasn’t it Pompeo’s president — Mr. Trump — who bemoaned the fact that the US spent over $6 trillion in the Muslim East without any revenue or profits to show for it? Aren’t ill-advised American policies responsible for the death of over three million Iraqis in the past 40 years, 30,000 Libyans in the past seven years and over a million Afghans in the last four decades? Erroneous American policies rationalized by an “Israel can’t be wrong” bottom line have littered the Muslim East with instability and chaos, murder and mayhem, extremism, violence, and terrorism. Ethnic breakaway tendencies and sectarian wars rage on because of the American foreign policy masterplan of blindly supporting Zionist Israel in its colonizing and expansionist strategy.
The trillions of dollars that the US poured into the hellhole of the Middle East, were they spent on building infrastructures and hospitals, research centers and an industrial base, orphanages and churches (you can’t expect the US to fund the building of any masjids), the political landscape would be very different. US wars for the sake of Israel in the Muslim East have left the Muslim populations with hunger and starvation, tens of millions of refugees, and un-depleted uranium that has polluted the agriculture and water supply for hundreds of thousands of years, not to mention the US policies of beefing up the militaries of its allies for American-Israeli manufactured future conflicts and wars.
The imperialist-Zionist deep state has come to realize that its proxies in the Muslim East are unable to overthrow the Syrian leadership nor are they capable of unseating the Qatari rulers. So don’t be surprised if in this coming year the Saudi and Qatari rulers make up (by the Saudis withdrawing their 13 demands), and both march in cadence with the American Israeli beat against Islamic Iran.
When you closely think about these Zio-American strategies you cannot avoid noticing that most of these reactions by Arabian regimes are because of their inability and unwillingness to sit down and discuss their differences with their Islamic neighbor in Iran.
We should not lose sight of the loss of credibility bordering on the loss of legitimacy of the three stooges: Trump, Netanyahu, and Bin Salman. All three are under growing internal public pressure: the Americans are increasingly fed up with Trump, the people in Israel are showing more willingness to put Netanyahu on trial for his serious legal problems, and the people in Arabia have had it with Bin Salman. These mounting domestic pressures may hasten the American-Israeli-Saudi break out of war against Islamic self-determination from Iran to Lebanon.
To put it succinctly: Israel is making America the sick man of the world. And none dare say so for fear of being called “anti-Semitic.”
If such a war breaks out, and there is no reason to believe that it will not, then let it be known that corporate America, racist Israel, and tribally ruled Arabia are on the wrong side of history when they declare war on 2 billion Muslims who will never cede the rights of the Palestinians to live in their historical fatherland and ancestral motherland. Vietnam will look like a picnic and Masada will be expanded by the thousands.
Israel is Israel; but America is Israel major and Saudi Arabia is Israel minor. If you can’t understand that, you can’t understand today’s world, “Attention! Allah’s help and triumph is near” (2:214).