The attempted assassination of Khalid Meshal, the political bureau chief of Hamas, in Amman, Jordan, on September 25 was undertaken by the Israeli terrorist group, Mossad with the knowledge of king Husain of Jordan, the Canadian-based newsmagazine, Crescent International has learned. When the attempt failed and two Mossad terrorists were apprehended by Meshal’s alert bodyguard, Muhammad Abu Saif, the Jordanian monarch and his Israeli allies panicked (four accomplices are believed to have sought refuge in the Israeli embassy in Amman).
A secondary plan was set in motion to cover the Jordanian monarch’s tracks. This explains his profuse expressions of sympathy with Meshal calling him ‘brother,’ and the sudden release of Shaikh Ahmed Yassin, the ailing paraplegic leader of Hamas, from an Israeli prison on October 1, only days after Husain had clamped down hard on the group in Jordan (Ibrahim Ghoshe, a Hamas spokesman, was arrested in Amman on September 7.)
The Jordanian and western media also gave prominence to the story that the king had ‘threatened’ to cut off diplomatic relations with Israel unless prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered the ‘antidote’ for the poison that nearly killed Meshal. To project the monarch’s macho image, the news was also leaked that Netanyahu had rushed defence minister Yitzhak Mordechai and infrastructure minister Ariel Sharon accompanied by his personal advisor to pacify the king. From Amman, the king sent his brother, prince Hasan, to deliver a ‘stiff message’ to the Israeli prime minister, we were told by the dutiful Jordanian media.
An additional twist to the terrorist attack was that the Mossad agents were carrying Canadian passports. One belonged to Shawn Kendall, 28, and the other to Barry Beads, 36. A third, Guy Ares, was also carrying a Canadian passport but he managed to escape. The two Mossad agents, however, refused help from Canadian consular officials who visited them in jail.
Kendall is a Canadian-born Jew currently working in the Jerusalem office of the United Israel Appeal. According to Canadian media reports, he met Canadian consular officials and was also interviewed by agents of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS). Kendall proclaimed his innocence and said he did ‘not know’ anything about the scheme. How did his expired passport end up in the hands of Mossad when the law requires its return to the Canadian government or diplomatic mission abroad?
This is not the first time that Canadian passports have been used by Mossad agents. In 1981, Ottawa warned Israel to desist when it became known that the zionists were using Canadian passports. Obviously, it seems to have had little effect.
The use of Canadian passports by Mossad is widespread. Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent, co-author with Canadian journalist Claire Hoy of the 1990 book, By Way of Deception, says that during his days as Mossad agent, he saw a massive pile of Canadian passports, perhaps as many as 1,000, in the agency’s offices. He also revealed that Jews in the diaspora perform a variety of functions for Mossad. The volunteer Jewish helpers are called sayanim.
Western intelligence agencies, including Canadian, regularly share intelligence data with Israel. Norman Spector, a former Canadian ambassador to Israel and currently publisher of the Jerusalem Post newspaper, said in a Canadian television interview (CTV) on October 3 that Canada regularly shared intelligence information with Mossad. Despite such extensive help, not to mention the billions of dollars that are siphoned off through Canadian Jewish organisations annually, the Israelis have again spat in Canada’s face.
Canadian and American Jews are the most rabidly pro-zionist. They will do anything, legal or illegal, to help the zionist State. Many willingly allow their passports to be used by Mossad agents. Spector revealed that a disproportionate number of Canadian passports are ‘lost’ in Israel. Canadian passports are popular because unlike the US, Canada does not carry the stigma as a staunch defender of Israel.
All this may change now. Canadians may be targeted as news of Mossad agents using Canadian documents spreads. In Canada, both opposition politicians and newspapers took strong exception to Mossad agents tarnishing Canada’s name and demanded an explanation from the government. They expressed fears for Canadians’ safety abroad, especially in the Middle East.
While Canada recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv for consultations, Canadian minister for external affairs Lloyd Axworthy initially denied any knowledge of the Mossad plot. Opposition critics questioned whether the minister was telling the whole truth given the close and frequent exchange of intelligence information between CSIS and Mossad.
Canada’s largest daily, the Toronto Star, echoed similar concerns pointing out that the 1981 warning from Ottawa had clearly been ignored by Tel Aviv. Israel ‘has played this nasty game before. Ottawa has complained before, but obviously not strenuously enough,’ the paper said in an editorial on October 3. Such criticism seemed to have had no effect on Axworthy who confirmed on October 6 in Ottawa that he had neither received an apology from the zionist regime nor an undertaking that such acts will not be repeated. Axworthy went on to say that ‘good relations’ between Canada and Israel were more important!
In Jordan, meanwhile, king Husain projected the release of Shaikh Yasin as a triumph for his diplomacy. He also used it as cover to release the two Mossad agents without divulging much. Shaikh Yasin was incarcerated by Israel in 1989. In recent months, his health had deteriorated considerably. The Israelis feared that should he die in prison it would create an explosive situation; hence their anxiety to release him.
This was projected by king Husain as his personal victory. The Jordanian ruler also tried to present himself as a friend of the Palestinians by calling Shaikh Yasin ‘my Palestinian brother.’ The overwhelming majority of Jordanians are of Palestinian origin.
These words of the monarch need to be evaluated against the backdrop of his praise for Yitzhak Rabin, the slain Israeli prime minister, whom he also called a ‘brother’ and ‘friend.’ Like a woman, Husain publicly shed tears for Rabin at his funeral on November 6, 1995.
More recently, Husain has allowed Israeli planes to land at Aqaba airport to ease congestion at the nearby Israeli airport at Eilat. He has also passed a controversial law banning any criticism of rulers of ‘friendly’ countries. Since Israel is no longer an enemy, this includes a ban on criticism of the zionists as well. Under the new law, Palestinians calling for resisting the zionist occupiers are liable to prosecution.
Since Mossad assassination attempts are authorised by the Israeli prime minister personally, Netanyahu is directly responsible for this latest terrorist outrage. Dr Fathi Shiqaqi, leader of Islamic Jihad, was martyred by the Mossad in Malta on October 26, 1995.
Jordanian-Mossad links were also alluded to by the Israeli political commentator Amnon Abramovich. Known for his security contacts, Ambramovich asked in a broadcast on October 1 whether the agents may have compromised the identities of Jordanians and others involved in the botched-up plot.
He need not worry. The good king of Jordan is a willing stooge of the zionists whom he has faithfully served for decades.
Muslimedia: October 16-31, 1997