A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Dhu al-Qa'dah, 14242004-01-01

Crescent International Vol. 32, No. 16


Islam and the contemporary crisis of humanity

Yusuf Al-Khabbaz

YUSUF AL-KHABBAZ argues that the impact of modern technological society on the lives of individual human beings has been such as to create a “crisis of humanity” in modern societies, and discusses ways it can be countered by Muslims.

Book Review

Discussion of position of Muslims in Britain avoids all major issues

Laila Juma

British Muslims: Loyalty and Belonging edited by Mohammad Siddique Seddon, Dilwar Hussain and Nadeem Malik. Pub: The Islamic Foundation, Markfield, UK, and the Citizen Organization Foundation, London, UK, 2003. Pp: 116. Pbk: £4.95.


Friends reunited in Iraq – but US’s capture of Saddam raises more questions than it answers


The US’s apparent capture of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on December 13 has enabled the Bush administration to end the year on a rather higher note than they can have expected, particularly after November had proved to be the worst month yet of the US occupation of Iraq...


French ban on hijab exposes the myth of liberalism


A ban on French Muslimahs wearing hijab in public schools seems inevitable after president Jacques Chirac voiced support for the findings of a government commission recommending that "visible religious symbols" be banned as inconsistent with the French state’s secular ethos...


Tyrants and feminists: not so strange bedfellows

Mohamed Yehia

The tyrannical rulers in the Arab world who, be they monarchist or "Republican", stifle any and every activity in their countries that dare raise its head without their explicit bidding, even from their allies among the secular elites, have in recent years been giving free scope to one and only one activity: feminist propaganda and activism...

Islamic Movement

Imam Khomeini on Hajj and the Ummah’s international relations

Imam Khomeini

This month Muslims from all over the world will travel to the Hijaz for the Hajj, which will take place early in February. The worldview of Islam is a dynamic system of thought. It brings to life and modern relevance events that took place a long time ago...

Occupied Arab World

Ahmed Maher feels Palestinians’ anger at Cairo’s pro-Israel role

Crescent International

Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Maher witnessed the strength of Palestinian anger at Egypt’s duplicitous role in talks with Israel on December 22, when he was heckled and abused by dozens of angry Palestinians during a visit to the Masjid al-Aqsa...


Post-colonial imperialism and the role of the military in Muslim countries

Zafar Bangash

The fragmentation of the Muslim world into nation-states is the most obvious direct result of Western colonialism and its hegemony over the lands of Islam. Almost all Muslims now recognize the need to replace these states with Islamic states, and to re-draw the political map of the Muslim world...

South-East Asia

Indonesian atrocities and elections in Aceh

Jakarta Correspodent

Like occupied Kashmir, Chechnya and now Iraq, the northern Sumatran province of Aceh too is going through the ‘democratic’ process...


Afghans still dying as US uses Loya Jirga to legitimise its plans for the country

Zafar Bangash

Afghanistan’s US-imposed and supported "president", Hamid Karzai, said on December 24 that he expected the country’s tribal Loya Jirga (grand assembly) to complete its work within a week (after Crescent press time) and that he was confident that it would agree to his preferred presidential model for a new constitution...


Terror alerts: Canadian Muslims losing rights as US exploits the political utility of fear

Tahir Mahmoud

Having discovered the political utility of fear, US officials miss no opportunity to invoke the dreaded terror alert, thus keeping the American public scared enough to have no time to think about the real problems confronting them...


BJP’s state election strategy confirms Muslim fears for general elections in 2004

Qazi Umar

The outcome of the elections on December 1 in four Indian states (Delhi, Rajastan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh) confirms beyond any possible doubt that the BJP’s electoral strategy and future political direction are based on attacking India’s Muslims and promoting the Hindu-fundamentalist agenda of the Sangh Parivar...


Assassination attempts reflect growing anger with Musharraf in Pakistan

Zia Sarhadi

As this issue of Crescent International goes to press, general Pervez Musharraf remains president of Pakistan, despite two attempts on his life within a few days...


Hague convictions still leave main Serb criminals at large

Waseem Shehzad

Last month’s conviction of three Serbs as war criminals at the Hague Tribunal brought little joy to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hundreds of thousands still await the results of forensic tests to identify relatives after their bodies were exhumed from mass graves...

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