A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Rabi' al-Thani, 14222001-07-01

Crescent International Vol. 30, No. 9

Book Review

Uncovering the ‘Evolution Deceit’ and its role in the Western capitalist world order

Hector Abu Dharr Manzolillo

THE EVOLUTION DECEIT: THE SCIENTIFIC COLLAPSE OF DARWINISM AND ITS IDEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND by Harun Yahya. Pub: Ta-Ha Publishers, London, UK, 1999. Pp: 234 (with colour pictures). Pbk: £4.95.


Few positive signs – but Palestinians fight on


As this issue went to press (June 26), Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon was meeting with US president George W. Bush at the White House in Washington. It was the second meeting between the two men since each came to office earlier this year, and a calculated demonstration of the US’s partiality towards Israel.


Lawsuits by ‘third world’ claimants a new weapon against multinationals

M.A. Shaikh

Until recently it was unknown for multinational corporations to be prosecuted for corruption in developing countries, and for local claimants to sue the giant companies in their own states. In Africa, Asia and the Middle East governments, anxious to create an impression of honesty...

Islamic Movement

The movement’s post-revolutionary experiences show the necessity for struggle and sacrifice

Zafar Bangash

The Islamic Revolution in Iran inspired and raised expectations among Muslims all over the world. Over 20 years later, it has not been followed by Islamic Revolutions in other Muslim countries. ZAFAR BANGASH, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought, considers the experience and progress of the global Islamic movement during this period.

Occupied Arab World

Is justice finally catching up with the Butcher of Beirut?

Waseem Shehzad

Is the past finally catching up with Ariel Sharon, better known as the “Butcher of Beirut”? A case was lodged in a Brussels court on June 18 by survivors of the massacre at Sabra and Shatila refugee-camps (1982), accusing the Israeli prime minister of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Occupied Arab World

Sudan peace-process in tatters thanks to Bush’s wrecking tactics

M.A. Shaikh

When, on May 3, US president George W. Bush said in a speech to the American Jewish committee that “we must turn the eyes of the world upon the atrocities in Sudan” but only as a “first step”, adding that “more will follow”, he knew what he was talking about.

South-East Asia

ExxonMobil taken to US court over its involvement in Aceh atrocities

Jakarta Correspodent

At a time when the Indonesian government is dragging its feet over its promise to make ‘peace’ in Aceh, without even punishing the perpetrators of decades-long violence against civilians, an international labour-group has taken the unprecedented step of further exposing a less-known incident involving an American multinational corporation

Special Reports

The role of American expatriates in the Muslim world

Yahya Asmar

All over the Muslim world, and in the Arab countries in particular, there now lives a class of Western expatriates, usually American, who live like an imperial elite and whose true role is often unclear.


Albanians face further fighting despite Skopje’s sudden ceasefire

M.A. Shaikh

There were angry demonstrations in the Macedonian capital, Skopje, on June 25 as Macedonians protested that members of the Albanian National Liberation Army (NLA) and other Muslims had been allowed to escape from the village of Aracinovo in the outskirts of Skopje.


Canadian Muslims challenging Jewish lobby over the style of anti-racism in the school curriculum

Zafar Bangash

A vigorous debate is underway in York Region (the site of Crescent’s Canada office), on the question of racism, or more precisely how to address the issue of racism in the school curriculum.


‘President’ Musharraf: a chief martial law administrator by any other name...

Zia Sarhadi

Commentators in Pakistan as well as abroad expressed surprise when general Pervez Musharraf assumed the title of president on June 20. It is a step in the opposite direction “to the restoration of democracy”, lamented a US state department spokesman after hearing the news.


Fazilat Party’s turn to be banned in Turkey for being Islamic-ish

Crescent International

Turkey’s constitutional court has banned Fazilat (‘Virtue’), the Islamist opposition party, for undermining the country’s secular order. The court’s decision, delivered on June 23, came just a few days after general Huseyn Kivrikoglu, chief of general staff...

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