‘The twentieth century,’ Derek Hopwood tells us in the introduction to this volume, ‘has brought change to the world at a rapid and unprecedented rate. No area has remained unaffected... the problem, for many of us largely unresolved...
Thanks to western propaganda, the Hizbullah are often projected as masked men bradishing submachine guns, not unlike those in the movie, Man in Black. Few people are aware of the Hizbullah’s broad range of activities including social and cultural.
On December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ (UDHR), whose fiftieth anniversary was celebrated with much fanfare last month.
Yasir Arafat, head of the Palestine National Authority (PNA), needed a grand camouflage for his final surrender to the Zionists to publicly eschew any thoughts of ever liberating Palestine. This was provided on December 14 by the presence in Ghazzah of US president Bill Clinton...
The four-day missile and air strikes against Iraq, launched by the US and Britain on December 16, were a stunning displaying of western arrogance and total disregard for Muslim life. At least 425 cruise missiles were fired at Iraq.
On April 24, 1996, the Palestine National Council had voted to support ‘cancelling articles that are contrary to the letters’ of mutual recognition between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation before the 1993 Oslo accord.
The election of a ‘moderate’ Islamic politician in early May, and the growing influence of Islamically active students in Moroccan universities, have sparked widespread speculation and concern in Western and Arab capitals that one of the most impregnable citadels of secularism in the Muslim world...
Amid the drum-beating in western capitals as well as some Muslim capitals on the fiftieth anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights, Israel was busy doing what it does best: killing and maiming Palestinians.
The latest outbreak of merger mania has heralded a new era of corporate consolidation in various industrial and financial sectors of the global economy. Tempted by the ‘size’ mystique...
It was Lawrence Eagleburger, the former US secretary of State, who had predicted that once the ‘cold war’ was over, it would be sorely missed. Astonishing as this admission from a senior official of one of the leading members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)...
The Turkish carpet industry has felt the increasing weight of tourism. New carpets reflect the confusion and rootlessness so prevalent in modern western civilization
Five members of one Kosovar family--two adults and three children – were massacred by Serbian troops near Rakovina in southwestern Kosova on January 25. The killings came just 10 days after the murders of 45 Kosovar civilians, including women, children and elderly men, in the village of Račak...
It is no doubt important to be important. Nowhere in the world, however, is it more important to be ‘important’ than in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. While everything else is in terminal decline, the VIP culture is alive and well and thriving as never before.
I was invited as a speaker to Al-Quds Day meeting on January 31, 1997, which was part of the Ramadan activities held by Sincan municipality, a district of Ankara. Before the program, I sent the organizers a video cassette exposing the crimes of Zionism and highlighting the Palestinian cause.