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Keyword: US congress

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Daily News Analysis

US Congress as zionist-occupied territory

Crescent International

Shawwal 23, 14452024-05-02

Daily News Analysis

Biden-Harris inauguration: historic in more ways than one!

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Akhirah 07, 14422021-01-20

Daily News Analysis

Hold on to That Fear

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Akhirah 06, 14422021-01-19

Book Review

US congress: have money, will sell soul, to the highest bidder

Iqbal Siddiqui

Sha'ban 27, 14191998-12-16

The west, we are so often told, owes its pre-eminence to the universality of its liberal values and democracy of its political institutions. It is these, we are further told, which entitles it to lead the world, claiming the moral high ground on every issue, and imposing its will (for the greater public good, of course) on all others.

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