A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: social problems

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Muslims immigrants to Canada facing discrimination and social problems

Tahir Mahmoud

Muharram 22, 14222001-04-16

The migratory patterns of birds and animals in search of food (and therefore survival) are well known. Human beings, too, throughout history have travelled in search of work.


Social ‘freedoms’ leading to breakdown of family values in west

Fatima Malik

Jumada' al-Ula' 04, 14201999-08-16

Societies governed by man-made laws run the risk of getting into awkward situations. Take the example of Canada where the Supreme Court ruled last month that the provincial government must change within six months the Family Law Act of Ontario relating to spousal benefits.


Ex-military ruler unlikely to solve Nigeria’s many problems

M.S. Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 02, 14201999-06-16

As former head of a military government in the 1970s and a retired general since, Nigeria’s new president, Olusegun Obasanjo, knows better than most people what ails his country. But he also knows equally well that the men in uniform, universally held responsible for the mess Nigeria’s troubles...


The importance of being ‘important’ in Pakistan

Zia Sarhadi

Ramadan 13, 14191999-01-01

It is no doubt important to be important. Nowhere in the world, however, is it more important to be ‘important’ than in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. While everything else is in terminal decline, the VIP culture is alive and well and thriving as never before.

Occupied Arab World

Prostitution racket in Dubai an affront to Islam’s holiest places

M.A. Shaikh

Sha'ban 01, 14181997-12-01

Several years after the collapse of communism, thousands of prostitutes are still flocking to Dubai, the trade centre of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), from the countries of the former Soviet Union.


Elite - the minority that takes all in any society

Kalim Siddiqui

Dhu al-Qa'dah 12, 14161996-04-01

A minority with a specialized area of influence and competence is referred to as an elite. A modern society normally has several elites. The best known are the political elites. Others are referred to as the military elite, business elite, landed elite, industrial elite. religious elite, professional elite. etc.

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