Court preachers spend their life justifying the criminal conduct of kings and assorted tyrants for a small price. However, such conduct costs the Ummah a great deal .
One of the more destructive outcomes of the US’s war on Islam is that it has spawned a number of ‘shaykhs’ that act as willing tools in promoting the agenda of imperialism.
In his masterpiece, Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din, Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali offers the following advice to Muslims: shun those ‘ulama’ that stand as supplicants at the ruler’s door. Instead, seek guidance of those that are visited by the rulers. Imam Ghazali was writing at a time when the rulers were Muslims.
In the March 9 issue of Newsweek magazine, Fareed Zakaria, the magazine’s editor and formerly both an adviser to the Bush administration on US policy in the Middle East and a cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq in 2003, published an article under the heading “Learning to Live with Radical Islam” and the tagline “It’s time to stop treating all Islamists as potential terrorists”.
The political and military association between the Saudis the kuffar is not so much a relationship of collaboration as of subjection. The Saudi family subject the lands, seas, and all the resources to Western, specifically American, political interests in the region.