The Islamic revolution was successful because of the enormous sacrifices of the people of Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini who was totally immersed in Islamic teachings. He relied only and only on Allah, and not on any of the predatory powers.
President Erdogan’s policies are leading toward facilitating the establishment of the Kurdish State in Northern Iraq while he thinks he is undermining the Kurds in Syria and Turkey.
1August 2 was the 11th anniversary of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Eleven years later, the consequences of the invasion continue to cloud the political landscape in the Middle East, as proven by Washington’s doggedness in sounding the drums of war against Baghdad.
Like father like son, they say? Well, more like two sons. Saddam Husain’s sons are not the most polite creatures in the world as anyone even remotely familiar with that unfortunate land will testify. Life becomes even more intolerable if the two get into a fight.