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Keyword: Qana

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Occupied Arab World

Qana’s second tragedy confirms its position as a symbol of Lebanese suffering

Crescent International

Safar 01, 14272006-08-01

Qana has become synonymous with Israeli crimes. On July 30 the zionists repeated an outrage they perpetrated ten years ago by firing missiles into buildings where families were sheltering from just such bombing attacks. At least 54 civilians, 37 of them children, were murdered in the latest outrage; one of the dead was a baby girl only a day old. Several buildings were completely destroyed.

Occupied Arab World

Israel and its SLA surrogates commit more crimes against civilians in Lebanon

Khalil Marwan

Rabi' al-Thani 28, 14181997-09-01

Unable to get away with its bloody-minded policies, the Zionist State of Israel has resorted to the one ploy it knows best: State terrorism.

Occupied Arab World

Qana: after the massacre

Abul Fadl

Shawwal 08, 14171997-02-16

On a recent visit to the southern Lebanese village of Qana one could not find even traces of joy. Instead, anger with the Israeli murderers and their American supporters was palpable on every street corner.

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