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Keyword: Proxy Wars

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News & Analysis

Taliban’s proxy wars in the region

Ayesha Alam

Muharram 27, 14352013-12-01

There are scores of groups operating under the name “Taliban.” True, there are genuine Taliban but there are also many that are on the payroll of the US, India and other unsavoury players. Even common criminals have take on the name of Taliban and are terrorising ordinary people, especially in Pakistan.


Intensifying the proxy war in Syria

Zafar Bangash

Sha'ban 22, 14342013-07-01

With the takfiri mercenaries suffering repeated military defeats in recent weeks (they never had any mass support), they and their foreign sponsors have resorted to the most vicious form of sectarian hatred in Syria.

Daily News Analysis

US proxy war in Syria forces Muslims to discuss unity

Crescent International

Muharram 12, 14342012-11-26

Independent Muslim communities and even ordinary Muslims are beginning to realize the divide-and-rule plot of imperialist powers. This positive phenomenon is particularly visible on social-networks and Internet forums where Sunni-Shia unity is a popular topic.

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