Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that he was self-isolating himself as his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau was exhibiting mild flu-like symptoms and had a low fever last night. Results came back later confirming she had tested positive.
Two months before the International Seerah conference to be held by the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT) in South Africa (September 21-23, 2001), a major conference on the Seerah took place in Ottawa, Canada. ZAFAR BANGASH, director of the ICIT, was there.
The signing ceremony of the anti-personnel landmine treaty in Ottawa last December was attended by a group of landmine victims - many of them amputees in wheelchairs or on crutches.
The euphoria that surrounded the signing of the global anti-personnel landmine ban treaty in Ottawa last December was tempered by the fact that the world’s most powerful military States and leading producers and users of landmines...
A landmark international treaty to ban anti-personnel landmines became reality early last month when 121 countries signed the accord at the end of a three-day conference (December 2-4) in the Canadian capital, Ottawa.