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Keyword: Muslim Women

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Islamic Movement

Women’s Leadership

Imran Khan

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

There is a tendency among some Muslims to misinterpret the role of women in society. This is based on a misreading of a Prophetic hadith and ignoring the teachings of the Qur’an. Islam does not prohibit women in leadership roles.


Man Builds the House, Woman Makes the Home

Abu Dharr

Safar 24, 14432021-10-01

US-zionist client regimes in the Middle East are acting as “Islamic legitimizers” to enable the imperialists and Zionist to sneak back into Afghanistan. Taliban, beware!

Daily News Analysis

Will French Court's overturning of ‘burkini’ ban restore sanity to France?

Crescent International

Dhu al-Qa'dah 23, 14372016-08-26

​​​​​​​European politicians in general and French politicians in particular have clearly taken leave of their senses. In their determination to control women's bodies, they insist Muslim women cannot wear the burkini, a swimsuit that covers their entire body. What is the problem with these men that are forever trying to undress women everywhere in the name of freedom when it fact they are sexual perverts?


Westerners’ obsession with niqab


Rabi' al-Thani 16, 14312010-04-01

Politicians in the West love to play wedge politics. Picking on the weakest members of society is their favourite ploy but the recent hysteria about niqab — the full facial and body covering, except an opening for the eyes, worn by some Muslim women — is quite out of proportion with what is perceived as a “threat” to Western freedoms and liberties...

Special Reports

Parenting and the role of Muslim women

Quraysha Ismail Sooliman

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 14312010-04-01

In the search for excellence, we often forget the basics because excellence is a prevailing attitude, not an exception. Parents have the most daunting task of all; they are entrusted with the future of their children...

Special Reports

Global poll exposes the reality about Muslim women’s attitudes to Islam and the West

Waseem Shehzad

Jumada' al-Akhirah 05, 14272006-07-01

The supposedly inferior position and treatment of women in Islam is often used by Westerners to attack Islam. A recent poll of Muslim women reveals very different attitudes towards their own lives, Islam and the West. WASEEM SHEHZAD reports.


West targeting Muslim women to subvert Islam – and the task facing Islamic movements


Dhu al-Hijjah 10, 14242004-02-01

The huge Muslim anger that greeted French proposals to ban hijab in schools and other public institutions has shocked the French establishment. Whether the depth of anger demonstrated when French Muslims took to the streets on January 17 will be sufficient to force the government to rethink its plans remains to be seen...


Muslim protests against proposed hijab ban shock France

Ali Waliken

Dhu al-Hijjah 10, 14242004-02-01

Tens of thousands of French Muslims took to the streets of Paris, Marseilles, Lille and other French towns and cities on January 17 to express their anger at the government’s proposal to ban hijab from public schools...

Islamic Movement

Liberating Fatma: the centrality of the need to address the rights and roles of women in Muslim societies

Anisa Abd el Fattah

Ramadan 16, 14222001-12-01

During a conversation with a friend whose father had served in the US Foreign Service in Morocco during the 1960s, she mentioned how easy life in Morocco had been for her mother compared to life in the United States. This ease she attributed to the domestic service one could purchase in Morocco for very little money. She told me that the first thing the wives of foreign diplomats would do, on arrival in Morocco, was inquire about “Fatmas,”...


The rights of Muslim women and the need to resist the survival of pre-Islamic customs

Anisa Abd el Fattah

Rabi' al-Awwal 24, 14222001-06-16

The controversy surrounding Kuwaiti women’s struggle to obtain the right to vote yet again raises serious questions for Muslims everywhere. The question of the fundamental rights of Muslim women being raised by the women of Kuwait lies at the very foundation of our social, religious and economic progress and development as Muslim peoples.


Muslimahs in hijab coming under attack in Sri Lanka, as elsewhere...

A Special Correspondent in Colombo

Ramadan 08, 14201999-12-16

Hijab has also come to symbolise the Islamic identity of Muslim women. All over the world, Muslimahs in hijab have become targets for attack by secularists and others seeking to attack Islam. Even Sri Lanka, where Muslims have lived in harmony with the majority Sinhalese community for over 1,000 years, Muslimahs in hijab are now coming attack.


Women: the west’s anti-Islam time bomb for the twenty-first century?

Aisha Geissinger

Rajab 22, 14201999-11-01

Human Rights Watch, a major western human rights agency, issued a report about violence against women in Pakistan on October 19, shortly after the coup there. It estimates that between 70 and 90 percent of Pakistani women are victims of domestic violence, and accuses the now-deposed government of Nawaz Sharif of not acting to change the situation...


Interview with journalist Gul Aslan, imprisoned in Turkey for more than three years

Crescent International

Rajab 06, 14201999-10-16

Gul Aslan, a journalist with Selam, a weekly Islamic newsmagazine in Turkey, was released from jail on August 20, 1999. She had been held since May 1996, accused of being a member of an Islamic organization. At the time of her arrest, she was just 21 years old and the mother of a six-month-old daughter.

Occupied Arab World

Kuwaiti women given right to vote - by royal decree

Crescent International

Safar 16, 14201999-06-01

Kuwait, the proud owner of the only elected parliament in the Arab Gulf states, has further consolidated its democratic credentials by giving Kuwaiti women the right to vote and to stand in parliamentary and municipal elections.


Turkey’s secular fundamentalists target woman over hijab

Zafar Bangash

Muharram 30, 14201999-05-16

Merve Kavakci, elected to Turkish parliament from Istanbul as a Fazilat (Virtue) Party candidate in the April 18 election, appears at first sight quite unassuming, even a little shy. But beneath that gentle exterior is a young Muslimah of steely nerves.

Special Reports

Plight of Muslim women in South Africa’s Black townships

Safia Mokhethi

Sha'ban 12, 14191998-12-01

People in the Black townships in South Africa who have recently embraced Islam are confused. The imams, alims, and Islamic scholars who come to them from outside cannot agree on any one path


In conversation with Dr Masoomeh Ebtekar: Iran's first woman vice president

Zafar Bangash

Jumada' al-Ula' 14, 14181997-09-16

The appointment last month of Dr Masoomeh Ebtekar as vice president in the cabinet of president Mohammad Khatami caused surprise among those unfamiliar with Iran.


Polygamy not justified now

Dr Sharifah Munirah Alatas

Shawwal 21, 14171997-03-01

I refer to the recent ruling of the Selangor State Religious Department on polygamy... The ruling is also an example of the outright violation of the democratic process.

Showing 1-20 of 21

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