A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Mass Killings

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Daily News Analysis

Christchurch Mosque Massacre: Feigning Indifference About Israel's Role as Architect of Islamophobia is Unforgivable

Iqbal Jassat

Rajab 11, 14402019-03-18

Violent brutality often seen on cinema screens as well as TV and online broadcasts - a hallmark of Hollywood, always ends with a sigh of relief in the knowledge that fiction triumphed over reality.

News & Analysis

Egypt’s ongoing revolution

Eric Walberg

Jumada' al-Akhirah 01, 14352014-04-01

Despite mass arrests and killings, the will of the Egyptian people has not been broken. Far from the Ikhwan being a terrorist organization, it is the old guard unable to accept the new reality that is causing mayhem in Egypt.

Letters To The Editor

Drone deaths

Mumtaz Ali

Muharram 27, 14352013-12-01

The US has become addicted to killing innocents with drones but ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Pakistani government to protect its people.


Droning innocent people to death

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Hijjah 27, 14342013-11-01

Drones have become the weapon of choice for the US because no American casualties are involved. If innocents are killed, that is just “collateral damage”.

News & Analysis

US drone strikes come on global radar screen

Zia Sarhadi

Dhu al-Hijjah 27, 14342013-11-01

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have questioned US drone strikes and say those that authorize them may face war crimes charges. The UN has also condemned them.

Daily News Analysis

Death toll of Mursi supporters surges past 200

Crescent International

Ramadan 17, 14342013-07-26

The Egyptian military regime is getting desperate. Unable to suppress Mursi supporters that are keeping their vigil, the military dictator General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi called for massive show of support for Friday. The turnout of his hired thugs was less than anticipated but it does not matter since he just wants to use this as an excuse to clamp down even harder on the Muslim Brotherhood. The mass killings of Mursi supporters proves this.

Daily News Analysis

Horrific video of Christians’ beheadings by takfiris in Syria

Crescent International

Sha'ban 20, 14342013-06-29

The takfiris are exposing their demonic ideology of hate and killings in Syria. Egged on by the court ulama of Saudi Arabia, they recently beheaded three Christians including a priest in the western city of Homs. The video makes gruesome viewing and would send shudder down the spine of any human being. 15-year-old Mohammad Qataa (left) was shot in the face and killed on June 9 after an argument with a takfiri terrorist.


The real reason for US drone attacks


Jumada' al-Akhirah 20, 14342013-05-01

Drone attacks kill innocents and create enemies. This is precisely what the American war industry wants: endless supply of enemies for endless war.


Now Lankan Buddhists target Muslims

Zafar Bangash

Jumada' al-Ula' 20, 14342013-04-01

Muslims are being attacked everywhere. Even the non-violent, peace-loving Buddhists have got in on the act as the Muslims of Sri Lanka have found to their cost.

News & Analysis

Drones, Obama’s weapon of choice

Marjan Asi

Rabi' al-Thani 19, 14342013-03-01

Obama has escalated drone warfare not only in other countries but drones are now being increasingly used domestically as well. This was feared by many civil rights activists. Their worst nightmares have come true.

Daily News Analysis

UN announces probe into legality of drone strikes

Crescent International

Rajab 18, 14342013-01-28

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, US drone strikes in Pakistan have killed nearly 5,000 people since June 2004.


Israel loses the war on Gaza, again

Zafar Bangash

Muharram 17, 14342012-12-01

Killing a large number of people is not the only factor that determines the outcome of wars. Zionist Israel murdered 32 times more Palestinians than the latter did to the Israelis yet the Zionists failed in their objectives in Gaza.


The total transformation of the Ummah requires more than just political success

Iqbal Siddiqui

Sha'ban 11, 14332012-07-01

The confirmation on June 24 that Muhammad Mursi, the candidate representing the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen, had been elected President of Egypt, has a certain air of inevitability.

Showing 1-13 of 13

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