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Keyword: Madrid

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Guantanamo, Karbala, Ghazzah, Madrid: the ubiquity of modern political violence


Safar 11, 14252004-04-01

Even by modern standards, the last month has been spectacularly bloody in the scale of the political violence seen. It opened with the Ashura killings in Iraq and Pakistan, in which several hundred Shi’a were slaughtered...


Morocco unlikely to regain Spanish-occupied areas, despite good relations with Madrid

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Ula' 20, 14201999-09-01

The two Moroccan enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, occupied by Spain for more than five centuries, are unlikely to be returned to their rightful owners in the forseeable future, if Madrid’s reaction to a recent Moroccan call for a ‘bilateral rethink’ on the issue, and Rabat’s anxiety to avoid a confrontation, are anything to go by.

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