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Keyword: Kemalist

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News & Analysis

Turkey’s coup in dollars and cents

Ahmed Motiar

Shawwal 27, 14372016-08-01

Part of the reason why people came out in such large numbers to support the elected government of President Recep Tayip Erdogan is that it has provided tangible benefits to the people since the AKP came to power in 2002.

Main Stories

Turkey begins to assert its Islamic identity

Cemal Ahmedoglu

Muharram 15, 14312010-01-01

The Domestic Trigger Since the imposition of Kemalist secularism as official dogma, the military has been the key instrument to prevent Islamic revival in Turkish society...


Strange alliances reflect the political bankruptcy of Kemalists in Turkey

Iqbal Siddiqui

Sha'ban 27, 14191998-12-16

Even before Turkish president Suleyman Demirel invited former prime minister Bulent Ecevit to form a government early this month, following the collapse of Mesud Yilmaz’s coalition on November 25, the Turkish military had made its position on the matter perfectly clear...


Kemalist fanatics make common cause with Zionist zealots

Abul Fadl

Jumada' al-Ula' 25, 14191998-09-16

When Turkish prime minister Mesut Yilmaz hobnobbed with Israeli leaders on September 7, there were hardly any quizzical eyebrows raised. This is furthur affirmation of the close ties with Tel Aviv which have long been assiduously cultivated by the Turkish secularist political elites and their shoulder-boarded godfathers in the military.

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