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Keyword: Islamophobic

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Daily News Analysis

Most Muslims hate the Daesh terrorist group, Pew Research finds

Crescent International

Safar 24, 14372015-12-06

The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world hate the terrorist outfit Daesh that goes by several names--ISIL, ISIS or takfiris (for Muslims). Yet this is not something one would find reflected in the Islamophobic media of the West. Instead, they deliberately mislead people making them believe that all Muslims are either terrorists, potential terrorists or their sympathizers. Pew Research has discovered something very different.

News & Analysis

Will the West ever accept the concept of Islamic human rights activist?

Fahad Ansari

Rabi' al-Awwal 15, 14312010-03-01

Will the concept of an Islamic human rights activist ever be fully acceptable in Western society? During my many years working at the Islamic Human Rights Commission, several valuable minutes were wasted every morning deleting hate mail which often described the organisation as an oxymoron or a contradiction in terms before descending into a volley of Islamophobic and racist abuse...


Muslims come under attack as Islamophobic bigotry sweeps through the US

Abul Fadl

Rajab 14, 14222001-10-01

The attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre on September 11 have caused a wave of anti-Muslim and anti-Arab hatred, bigotry and intolerance all over the Western world. Particularly hard-hit are American Muslim and Arab communities, as well as other dark-skinned groups.

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