A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Islamic Resistance

Showing 21-40 of 40

Absent Resistance, Zionists Would Have Usurped Entire Palestine

Zafar Bangash

Shawwal 12, 14352014-08-09

Without Palestinian resistance, the Zionists would have usurped the entire land of Palestine and stubbornly maintained that Palestinians are quite happy under Zionist occupation. Zafar Bangash, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT), and the author of Diplomacy and Just Peace in the Seerah of the Great Messenger that translated by IWPF, a suburb of Toronto, made the remark in an interview with IQNA on the Zionist regime's offensives against the oppressed Palestinians.

Guest Editorial

Thirty-three years of valiant resistance and perseverance of the Islamic Republic

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 09, 14332012-02-01

Thirty-three years ago this month the world was witness to the fall of a Shah and the rise of an Imam. The Shah was Persian by culture, American by loyalty. The Imam was Persian by culture, Islamic by persuasion. The Muslims of the world along with the imperialist victims of the world rejoiced at this turn of events. Ever since that time Uncle Sam and his nephew Cohen have been playing their cards against the Imam and the Revolution.


Hamas’ brilliant victory in prisoner deal

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Hijjah 05, 14322011-11-01

Hamas, the Islamic resistance movement that heads the government in Ghazzah, has scored a stunning victory over the Zionist State of Israel. It is not merely the numbers: 1,027 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for one Israeli soldier.


The Afghans’ long agony and resistance

Zafar Bangash

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 14312010-04-01

The following day while driving back from Islamabad to Peshawar, the news on the car radio startled me: in a communist-led military coup, Sardar Daoud and his entire family had been murdered in Afghanistan...


‘We will do whatever we can to help Ghazzah’ –Rahbar

Sayyid Ali Khamenei

Safar 05, 14302009-02-01

The arrogant powers’ apparatus, which does not believe in any human principles, wishes to dominate the sensitive Middle East region that has enormous wealth and is situated in a strategic geographical area and enjoys great economic advantages. The way they want to achieve that objective is through the usurper zionist Israel that occupies Palestine.

Special Reports

Comparison of resistance in Somalia and Ghazzah

Fahad Ansari

Safar 05, 14302009-02-01

On Friday 16 January, while Israel continued its brutal slaughter in Ghazzah, less than a thousand miles away, another foreign army was being forced to withdraw its troops from Muslim land it had also illegally occupied. On that day, to the joy of millions Somalia, Ethiopia was forced to pull its troops from Mogadishu, having invaded and occupied it just over two years earlier. Through a close examination of the conflict, one can draw valuable lessons for Hamas and the Muslim world.


Resistance and suffering in Ghazzah

Zafar Bangash

Muharram 04, 14302009-01-01

Ever since the Palestinian Islamic resistance group, Hamas, won the January 2006 elections, Ghazzah has been turned into a concentration camp. Western countries immediately withdrew financial support once Hamas took full control in Ghazzah in June 2007. The aim was to strangle the Hamas-led government; so much for the West’s respect for democracy.

Islamic Movement

Hamas: Islamic resistance movement and political party

Zafar Bangash

Shawwal 01, 14292008-10-01

To mark the cccasion of Yaum al-Quds this year, Crescent International in South Africa published a booklet analysing the rise of Hamas and the current state of the Palestinian struggle. Here we publish an abridged version of this booklet. The full version is available on the website of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought.

Special Reports

Israel’s changing status in the West: a success of the resistance in Palestine

Fahad Ansari

Rabi' al-Thani 25, 14292008-05-01

In recent years, there has been increasing awareness of the true nature of zionism and the Israeli state in the West. FAHAD ANSARI discusses the reasons for this change, and finds them in the determination of Palestinians to resist their oppression and dispossession.

Main Stories

Hizbullah prepares for war on two fronts when Israel next invades Lebanon

Nasr Salem

Rabi' al-Awwal 24, 14292008-04-01

There is open talk of impending war in Lebanon these days. Lebanese of many factions are speculating about potential scenarios for another war being waged on Hizbullah by Israel. These discussions concentrate on the question of when, rather than whether, such a war will erupt.

Guest Editorial

Implications of the militarization of the Islamic struggle

Abu Dharr

Shawwal 09, 14272006-11-01

The United States of America, the sole superpower in the world, or the so-called “hyper-power”, the one with the most advanced armed forces, with satellites in the air and spies everywhere, is getting its nose bloodied in Afghanistan and suffering military defeat in Iraq. And who is inflicting these humiliations? Mujahideen armed with little more than iron determination to expel the occupiers from their homelands.

Islamic Movement

Shaikh Hassan Nasrallah’s speech to a victory rally in Beirut on September 22

Crescent International

Ramadan 08, 14272006-10-01

I seek God's protection against the cursed Satan; in the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate; praise be to Almighty God: blessings and peace be upon our master and prophet, the last of the prophets, Muhammad, upon his good, righteous, infallible family, upon his noble companions; and upon all the prophets and messengers.


Shaikh Nasrallah the new symbol of resistance against the West

Iqbal Siddiqui

Safar 01, 14272006-08-01

The protests that have erupted around the Muslim world in support of the Muslims of Lebanon and in protest at the Israelis’ war on the country have been dominated by placards of Hizbullah’s leader, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah.

Special Reports

The origins, emergence and victory of Hizbullah, Lebanon’s Islamic resistance movement (Re-print)

Abul Fadl

Rajab 07, 14272006-08-01

The Hizbullah, which is now under intense attack in Lebanon from Israel, emerged as an Islamic movement representing Lebanon’s ordinary Muslims after the Israeli invasion of the country in 1982. Eighteen years later, in 2000, Hizbullah’s resistance led to a stunning victory when the Israelis were forced to withdraw from territories they had occupied in the 1980s. Here we reprint an analysis of Hizbullah’s rise and modus operandi by Khalil Osman, first published in September 2000 to mark that triumph.


Increasing panic in Kabul as resistance steps up operations against US and its allies

Zia Sarhadi

Jumada' al-Ula' 05, 14272006-06-01

It has become routine for the regime in Kabul to blame Pakistan for allowing “cross-border infiltration” whenever there is any increase in resistance activity inside Afghanistan. Some infiltration is definitely taking place, because the mountainous terrain makes the border virtually impossible to seal completely, but the volleys of rhetoric being hurled at Pakistan betray the Afghan government’s own incompetence.


Hamas victory redefines political realities in Palestine and poses new challenges


Muharram 02, 14272006-02-01

Officially, the world has been taken by surprise by Hamas’s overwhelming victory in Palestine’s parliamentary elections on January 25. Yes, there had been fears that Hamas would seriously dent Fatah’s long-established dominance of Palestinian politics, and might have to be accommodated in the Fatah-dominated political institutions, perhaps even to the extent of being given a ministry or two, but that was only to be expected, given the problems that Fatah has had in recent months.


Resistance and realism among Iraqi Shi’as as Mahdi Army defy US forces in Najaf


Rajab 16, 14252004-09-01

One of the questions asked before the so-called transfer of power from US pro-consul Paul Bremer to Iyad Allawi at the end of June was whether the new Iraqi government would be able to prevent another brutal and murderous US assault on an Iraqi city like the one on Falluja in April...


The achievements and dilemmas of the resistance in Iraq


Jumada' al-Ula' 13, 14252004-07-01

The key achievement of the resistance is Iraq is not difficult to identify: by maintaining constant pressure on the US occupation forces, as well as those of the US’s allies, from the outset of the invasion to the present, the Iraqi mujahideen have totally disproved the US’s claims...


Hamas resistance forces Israel and allies to change approach


Safar 11, 14252004-04-01

The two-week Israeli onslaught on Ghazzah that began at the end of February was evidently designed to bring Hamas to its knees, after months of an ever-tightening economic blockade and political pressure that Israel and its allies hoped would persuade the people of Ghazzah to turn against the Islamic movement that they elected to power in 2006.

Occupied Arab World

Islamic Resistance keeps Zionist occupiers on the run in South Lebanon

Abul Fadl

Rabi' al-Awwal 11, 14181997-07-16

Like the proverbial glimmer of hope in the midst of total despair, and despite the dark cloud of gloom and defeat hovering over the Arab world, South Lebanon has once again emerged as the theatre of some of the most dramatic and promising developments in the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Showing 21-40 of 40

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