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Keyword: Islamic Civilization

Showing 21-32 of 32
Book Review

The Ottoman empire through western eyes

Abdullah Abubakr

Dhu al-Hijjah 10, 14381999-09-01

The Uthmaniyyah sultanate, which claimed the legitimacy of khilafah, was as corrupt and rotten as any monarchy in Muslim history. This was a massive contributory factor in its decline and ultimate collapse.

Book Review

How Islam influenced British culture and civilisation 400 years ago

Iqbal Siddiqui

Dhu al-Qa'dah 13, 14191999-03-01

The golden age of Islamic civilization, the thousand years from about 700 to 1700 CE during which Muslims ruled from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and were the driving and leading force in human history, laying the foundations of much of what is now considered ‘modern’, have been carefully airbrushed out of modern western history books.


The dogma of modernism: scientism, secularism and laissez faire capitalism

K M Azam

Sha'ban 01, 14181997-12-01

The unfettered speculative reasoning of modernism has led to great social and cultural dislocations in the west. It is, however, pertinent to ask what does the modernist dogma rest on. Upon inquiry, we find the following triad...

Occasional Paper

Kalim Siddiqui’s conceptualization of the civilizational goals of Islam

Zafar Bangash

Jumada' al-Akhirah 21, 14171996-11-03

In this paper, Zafar Bangash highlights some key elements of Dr Kalim’s Siddiqui’s understanding of the contemporary historical situation, the role of the Islamic movement as in instrument for the ‘total transformation’ of the Ummah, and the challenges facing the Islamic movement in attempting to fulfill this role.


Issues in the struggle for survival and the West's self-destructive dementia

Kalim Siddiqui

Dhu al-Qa'dah 12, 14161996-04-01

WHO can survive and who cannot is a question that has always occupied the minds of theologians, historians, philosophers and scientists. Elaborate theories have been developed around this theme. The more famous are those of Plato, Abdur-Rahman, Ibn Khaldun, Karl Marx, and Charles Darwin.

Occidentosis: A Plague From the West

Jalal Al-i Ahmad

Ramadan 15, 14041984-06-15

Occidentosis is the best known and most influential work of the Iranian intellectual and writer, Jalal Al-i Ahmad. In a sense, it is the record of a personal journey to a new understanding of Iranian society and history, but since it aroused a widespread and enthusiastic response (to the degree that the coined word of its title permanently entered the Persian language), it may also be regarded as a document of the ideological ferment that ultimately led to revolution.To summarize, Gharbzadagi cannot be presented as a decisive and pioneering work of revolutionary thought, fully in tune with the historical forces that were to bring about revolution. Nonetheless, it has a solid if modest claim to lasting attention, as the record of an eloquent diagnosis of the major ill of Iranian society by one whose life was devoted to constant, sincere, and solicitous reflection on the state of his countrymen and who contributed to a partial reorientation of the Iranian intelligentsia.

Occasional Paper

Integration and disintegration in the politics of Islam and kufr

Kalim Siddiqui

Shawwal 21, 14031983-08-01

[Paper presented at the Muslim Institute's World Seminar on ‘State and Politics in Islam’ in London in August 1983. It was also published as the introduction to Kalim Siddiqui (ed), Issues in the Islamic Movement 1982-83, London and Toronto: The Open Press, 1984, and reprinted in Zafar Bangash (ed), In Pursuit of the Power of Islam: Major Writings of Kalim Siddiqui, London and Toronto: The Open Press, 1996.]

Occasional Paper

The Islamic movement: setting out to change the world again

Kalim Siddiqui

Rajab 28, 14011981-06-01

[This paper was written as the introduction to Issues in the Islamic Movement 1980-81, London and Toronto: The Open Press, 1982. This was the first volume of the ‘Issues books’, the anthologies of articles from the Crescent International and Muslimedia which were edited by Kalim Siddiqui and published annually from 1982-1988. It was reprinted in Zafar Bangash (ed), In Pursuit of the Power of Islam: Major Writings of Kalim Siddiqui, London and Toronto: The Open Press, 1996. This printing is based on the 1996 publication.]

Occasional Paper

The Islamic Revolution: achievements, obstacles and goals

Kalim Siddiqui

Shawwal 21, 14001980-09-01

[Paper presented at a seminar of the same name organized by the Muslim Institute in London on March 1, 1980, to mark the first anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Two other papers were also presented at this seminar, by Dr Ali Afrouz and Dr Abdur Rahim Ali. Dr Siddiqui refers to these presentations in this paper. The papers presented at this seminar, and one by Iqbal Asaria presented at an internal seminar of the Muslim Institute, were later published as Kalim Siddiqui et al, The Islamic Revolution: Achievements, Obstacles and Goals, London: The Open Press, 1980. This paper was reprinted in Zafar Bangash (ed), In Pursuit of the Power of Islam: Major Writings of Kalim Siddiqui (London and Toronto: The Open Press, 1996). This version is based on the 1996 printing.]

Occasional Paper

The state of the Muslim world today

Kalim Siddiqui

Rabi' al-Thani 09, 13991979-12-08

[Kalim Siddiqui, The state of the Muslim world today, London: The Open Press, 1980. This is the text of a lecture given at the University of Manchester Islamic Society on December 8, 1979. It was reprinted in Zafar Bangash (ed), In Pursuit of the Power of Islam: Major Writings of Kalim Siddiqui (London and Toronto: The Open Press, 1996). This edition is based on the 1996 printing.]

Occasional Paper

Traditional Islamic Education - Its Aims and Purposes in the present day

Zaki Badawi

Rabi' al-Awwal 01, 13971977-02-19

We must, however, guard against the misuse of religion to hamper the innovative spirit of man or to allow its advocates to brandish it as a weapon stifle any new idea or to cripple scientific enquiry. It is enough for the society to be deeply religious and for the scientist to be so inspired to ensure that he would not step out of line or to misuse science as to impinge on the province of religion.

Showing 21-32 of 32

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