On the morning of 911, General Mahmud Ahmed, then serving as Director of ISI, was in Washington DC. We talked to him to find out what really transpired that morning.
Dark clouds hover over Pakistan's political landscape. Chief of Tehrik-e Insaf, Imran Khan has threatened to lay siege to Islamabad while Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif faces growing pressure on many fronts including corruption charges stemming from Panama leaks and tense civilian-military relations. The former army chief, General Mirza Aslam Beg, sees parallels between this and the 1977 agitation that led to Bhutto's overthrow by the military.
1Pakistan's best known former ISI chief, General Hamid Gul passed away in the evening of August 15, 2015. He was well known for his support of the Afghan jihad as well as the struggle of the Kashmiris to overthrow the yoke of Indian imperialism. He was an outspoken critic of Western policy and a strategic analyst expressing his views without fear or favor.