The Syrian army is making steady progress against the takfiris, thanks to the support of Hizbullah as well as infighting between the cannibals and mercenaries that have flooded into the Levant.
The ongoing clashes in Gaza show that if the tribal, US-backed Arabian regimes were genuinely concerned about innocent lives, they would have asked the UN for military intervention to stop the decades’ long oppression of Palestinians.
That the Islamic movement has venomous and ruthless enemies appears to be among the most difficult lessons for Muslims to learn. In all the Islamic movement literature that we are familiar with, from that of the docile tablighis to that of the revolutionary jihadis, we have never seen a book (or even a booklet) called “Know Your Enemy”...
US president George W. Bush’s endorsement of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon’s plans for redesigning and legitimising the political infrastructure of its occupation of Palestine has been widely decried...