He may be the prime minister of India but Narendra Modi has committed crimes against humanity for which he must be held accountable. At the very least he cannot be forgiven...
Narendra Modi as prime minister of India may have overcome the hurdle of getting a visa to the US but his gory past in which he directed the pogroms of Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 cannot be washed away so easily. Protests have greeted him at each stop. He should be put in trial for war crimes.
Despite its reputation as a model of democracy in the non-Western world, India is in fact a country with serious human-rights problems, with many of the victims being Muslim. K. C. SALEEM, a Crescent correspondent in India, reports on the problem of extra-judicial killings in India.
On July 14 Laloo Prasad Yadav, India's new Minister of Railways, who is also a staunch anti-Sangh Parivar advocate, ordered a fresh investigation into the alleged attack on a train in Godhra that is supposed to have set off the anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat in 2002...
The elections in Gujarat, won for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) by Narendra Modi, the architect of the anti-Muslim pogroms in the state last year, overshadowed the tenth anniversary of the destruction of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya...
Tens of thousands of Muslims are living in renewed fear in Gujrat as Crescent goes to press, after government and police officials blamed Muslims for an attack on a Hindu temple in Gandhinagar on September 24.
The war-clouds of Indo-Pak nuclear conflict have cleared temporarily, and so has media attention. The Vajpayee government had to keep the media and public distracted, lest they turn their attention to Gujrat.
As you walk through the camps of riot survivors in Ahmedabad, in which an estimated 53,000 women, men, and children are huddled in 29 temporary settlements, displays of overt grief are unusual.
The whole world is anxious to find out about the ‘post pogrom’ situation in Gujrat. They will have to be patient; the pogrom is not yet over.