Within a few days of Iran signing the interim deal with the sextet (US, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany), there have been quick moves by Tehran to approach its Persian Gulf neighbors. These regimes have also realized that change is coming and it would be in their interest to mend fences with Tehran. The speed with which the moves are occurring is quite astonishing.
Deft diplomacy by Russia and the Islamic Republic of Iran helped US President Barack Obama save face over Syria. He had got himself into a bind until the Russians’ offered him an escape route.
The Americans were very anxious for President Barack Obama to have a "chance encounter" with President Hassan Rohani of Iran at the UN. The meeting, however, did not take place because Iran felt the proper ground was not prepared for it. Unlike the US, Iran is not interested in photo-ops; it wants serious discussion on all issues and is anxious to resolve these through dialogue held in an atmosphere of mutual respect and dignity.
American officials are scurrying to various capitals to advise “friendly” governments that the undiplomatic, indeed nasty language used by their diplomats and officials about other leaders should not be taken too seriously.
For the past few months, prospects of a rapprochement between the US and the Islamic Republic of Iran have captured the western media’s headlines, notwithstanding the fallout from subcontinental nuclear explosions. In a January 7 television interview with Cable News Network (CNN)...