Even though pro-Zionist groups managed to undermine Jeremy Corbin in the British parliamentary elections leading to his resignation from the leadership of the Labour Party, they did not manage to suppress the pro-justice sentiment of many British MPs.
As reported on May 1 by the Guardian, “nearly 130 parliamentarians, including former Conservative cabinet ministers, have written to [British Prime Minister] Boris Johnson urging him to impose economic sanctions against Israel if Benjamin Netanyahu’s new coalition government goes ahead with its threat to annex parts of the West Bank. The letter, signed by the former Tory chairman Lord Patten and the former international development secretary Andrew Mitchell, says annexation would be clearly illegal under international law.”
This recent blow comes right after Zionist Israel suffered a series of legal and political setbacks.
Couple of days earlier, Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, presented a 60-page legal opinion to investigate Israel for war crimes during its aggression on Gaza in 2014.
This came exactly a day after the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) won a landmark court victory against the British regime’s attempt to clamp down on boycott of Israel.
Courtesy: The Guardian, Scottish Worker and The Irish Times