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The West’s own Christian-Zionist terrorists

Zafar Bangash

“All Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims” is an oft-repeated mantra in the West. This is even repeated by carpetbagger Muslims that should more accurately be described as Muslim-Zionists. What is the truth behind the assertion about all terrorists being Muslim?

“All Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims” is an oft-repeated mantra in the West. This is even repeated by carpetbagger Muslims that should more accurately be described as Muslim-Zionists. What is the truth behind the assertion about all terrorists being Muslim? According to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), between 1995 and 2005, Muslims were responsible for only 6% of all terrorist acts. We can, therefore, say that Muslims perpetrated all terrorist acts except the other 94% (emphasis added). Who are these other terrorists? They include Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, and yes, whites as well as people of color, to name just a few.

This brings us to the murderous terrorist rampage of Anders Breveik in Norway on July 22. When the news first broke out, the rightwing media immediately pounced on it as the handiwork of “Muslim” terrorists because of “who we are” and well, “they hate our freedoms.” After this orgy of self-righteousness, when it was announced that the terrorist was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white, 32-year-old Norwegian, he was immediately declared a loner, a psycho and just a gunman. The BBC has continued to refer to him as the “gunman” (BBC World Service, August 19, 2011).

Breveik’s terrorist acts have fallen off the media radar screen. Any discussion of his murderous rampage focuses only on details about the background of victims and their families. There is little or no discussion of the terrorist or his background, and who or what motivated him. Nor are his close links with racist right-wing ideologues that spout venom against Muslims on their blogs as well as in right-wing publications and on television channels like the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News, British SkyNews and Canada’s Sun TV discussed. There are even links to Hindus and their racist rantings against Muslims on “loner” Breveik’s 1500-page manifesto.

Breveik’s racist peers exist in the US, Canada, Britain, Israel and India. Islamophobes like Robert Spencer, Daniel Pipes, Pamela Geller, John Hagee, English Defence League thugs, Israeli Zionists and Hindu fascists are all part of the cabal that have influenced Breveik’s thinking. Part of the reason for Breveik’s attack on Utoya Island where youth of the Labour Party were holding a camp was because they had a huge banner that read: “Boycott Israel.” This connection needs fuller investigation but it was hardly mentioned in the mainstream Western media.

The initial reporting about the Oslo attacks had followed the pattern of the Oklahoma City bombing of April 1994 when the self-proclaimed terrorism expert Steve Emerson declared on CBS News that it had all the hallmarks of a Middle Eastern terrorist attack. When it turned out to be Timothy McVeigh, an Iraqi war veteran (from the 1991 US War), then he was dubbed a “loner”. No screaming headlines about a Christian terrorist; no apology from Emerson who in fact has gone on to become something of a celebrity and is invited to lecture on the “threats” posed by “Muslim terrorists.”

Let us name some Jewish, Hindu and Christian terrorists to round out the picture. Denis Michael Rohan, an Australian-born Zionist Jew tried to set fire to Masjid al-Aqsa in July 1969. He was declared “insane.” In February 1994, Baruch Goldstein machine-gunned 29 Palestinian worshippers in the Ibrahimi Masjid in al-Khalil to death. They were offering their early morning prayers in the month of Ramadan. Glodstein, a doctor, was declared “mad.” The supposedly sane Israeli army then shot and killed another 12 Palestinian protesters. The Zionists’ murderous spree against Palestinians continues, not only by heavily-armed settlers but also by supposedly “sane” politicians and generals who in December 2008–January 2009, massacred 1,400 Palestinians, one-third of them children. Both US President George Bush, presumably “sane” and his equally “sane” successor Barack Obama said Israel had the “right to defend itself” (by killing 1,400 Palestinian civilians?). The same line was repeated in the rest of the Western world.

In India, Hindu terrorists not only destroyed the historic Babri Masjid in December 1992 but also went on a murderous spree against Muslims killing 3,000. In India’s Gujrat state, Chief Minister Narendra Modi unleashed Hindu terrorists against innocent Muslims in 2002 killing and burning alive some 2,000 Muslims while the police looked on. This followed an allegation that Muslims had set fire to a train carrying Hindu pilgrims (the allegation has since been dismissed by an Indian judicial inquiry to be a fabrication).

Only last January, Jared Loughner tried to kill Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona, wounding her critically. He killed six other people. There are also Christian militias in the US on the loose trying to kill Muslims, African-Americans and anyone they do not like. All these are “loners” and nutcases; only Muslims are “terrorists.”

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 40, No. 7

Shawwal 03, 14322011-09-01

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