A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Letters To The Editor

Crescent’s new look

Muhammad Akhter

Crescent International’s new design has added value to its traditionally fine analysis of global events.

Crescent International’s new layout is really attractive and inspiring. As long time subscribers, we eagerly look forward to receiving the newsmagazine and unlike other newspapers and magazine, we find it very informative. All your articles are extremely well written and provide a wealth of information. The new layout makes it look so much more professional. One can feel there is room to breathe. Thank you for your constant efforts. Please keep up the good work.

Shahida and Muhammad Akhter
Chicago, Il, US

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 46, No. 2

Rajab 04, 14382017-04-01

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