The latest terrorist car bombing, as all previous ones, can be traced directly to the Saudis. More particularly, Saudi intelligence chief Band bin Sultan is the one financing car and suicide bombings from Syria to Lebanon and from Iraq to Pakistan. Bandar is desperate because his plan to destabilize Syria and drive Bashar al-Asad from power has failed. The people of Lebanon, Iraq and Syria are paying the price.
Beirut, Crescent-online
January 2, 2014, 17:47 EST
A car bomb explosion has once again hit the Lebanese capital, Beirut. According to Lebanese sources, at least seven people were killed and more than 70 injured today when the bomb went off in the Haret Hreik neighborhood of southern Beirut.
The “terrorist explosion targeted a densely populated residential area, just 150 to 200 meters away from Hizbullah's political bureau office,” according to a report on al-Manar television. Most of the people in the poor neighbourhood are Hizbullah supporters.
Regardless of who actually planted the bomb, the fingerprints of Saudi intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan are all over it. He is the terrorist mastermind financing and arming terrorists over a broad swath of territory from Syria to Lebanon and from Iraq to Pakistan.
Bandar appears to be desperate since one of his chief operatives, Majed ibn Muhammad al-Majed, was captured by Lebanese intelligence on December 23 from the southern Lebanese town of Sidon. He is believed to have planned the twin car bombings of Iran embassy in Beirut that killed 26 people and injured 150 others.
The Lebanese are interrogating him to find details about the organization, the Abdullah Azzam Brigade that he leads. The Saudi regime finances this particular outfit that has been involved in similar attacks in Syria as well.
Bandar bin Sultan is clearly worried because Majed is bound to reveal some embarrassing details about his organization’s operations as well as those behind it. Iran has asked that it would like to be part of the investigation since its embassy was targeted on November 19 in which Iran’s Cultural Attache, Hujjatul Islam Ebrahim Ansari was also killed.
On December 27, 2013, six people, including Lebanon’s former finance minister, Mohamad Shatah, were killed in a car bombing near the parliament building in Beirut. The area also houses other government buildings and is the heart of the city’s commercial district. Shatah was advisor to Saad Hariri and was on his way to Hariri’s house for a breakfast meeting.
Bandar and his Lebanese agents and accomplices want to spread the terror war into Lebanon because they are clearly failing in Syria. When the US refused to attack Syria after the Ghouta gas attack last August, Bandar lost his nerve.
He was behind the nerve gas attack whose aim was to provoke the US into taking military action against the government of Bashar al-Asad. The Saudi intelligence chief’s two pet areas, apart from Syria, are Lebanon and Iraq. Both have been devasted by car bombings and terrorist activities. Pakistan is not too far behind either.