Hamid Karzai is a desperate man. He knows his time is running out and he is running around from pillar to post in an attempt to save his skind—and head. He may be wasting his time.
It is human nature that when people realize their time is up, they begin to act in strange ways in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable. The antics of Afghan President Hamid Karzai can be viewed in this light. He threw a tantrum when the new US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel visited Afghanistan to confirm the Americans were about to cut and run. True, Hagel did not put it in these terms — the Americans never lose a war, they simply declare victory and get the hell out! — but Karzai got the message. He was going to be left to fend for himself.
John Kerry had to rush to Kabul to pacify Karzai. The Americans want an agreement whereby American troops would have immunity from prosecution after the 2014 withdrawal date. Karzai buckled although he did not get much in return... Poor Karzai!
John Kerry had to rush to Kabul to pacify Karzai. The Americans want an agreement whereby American troops would have immunity from prosecution after the 2014 withdrawal date. Karzai buckled although he did not get much in return. It was in fact quite interesting when he dashed to Qatar on March 31 to confer with the ruler there. What Karzai said was interesting. He said the Taliban were “brothers” and he had always wanted them in government. He sought Qatar’s help in this.
This must come as a big surprise to the Taliban. What is clear is the Taliban do not take Karzai seriously. They know he is an American puppet and the moment foreign troops leave, Karzai would be finished. The Taliban have no reason to talk to him or make a deal with him. Poor Karzai!